12: Kissing, Dancing, Snuggling

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Aziraphale & Crowley:

In 2013, Crowley had first met a man with the name of Andrew John Hozier-Byrne.

It was a pleasant encounter, although not too rememberable on Crowley's side.

He was in Ireland, in a pub after he finished his duty.

He had been drinking for a while, a couple bottles already.

Andrew sat beside him, being about curious about what the man was talking about all night. It seemed that he got pretty talkative when he had a few glasses.

He had, as usual, his notebooks with him.

The red-haired man was certainly a good inspiration.

He was hard to understand at first, but it seemed pretty clear after a while that he was absolutely lovesick.

At first, he thought the guy had a bit too much, since he couldn't stop talking about an angel.

But after listening for a while, he decided that had this rambling could be song-worthy.

Andrew filled page after page and after a while and some more drinks, he had filled entire notebook.

The morning after the encounter, he began writing a song.

He called the song 'Take Me To Church', published it and it was an absolute hit after a short while.

Crowley took an elaborate interest in the song, but he couldn't help but feel called out as well as familiar with the singer's voice.

He eventually went to his concert, and he then remembered the pub encounter.

The two of them talked again while he was sober, and Crowley enjoyed album after album he released.

And he was obviously told that he was the inspiration for one, two or a dozen songs.

A theme that continued to appear throughout all these songs, was how bad Crowley wanted to kiss.

And although he had quite some time for his dreams and hopes and fantasies, neither this nor the last one was how he imagined it would happen.

When they pulled apart, neither of them spoke. They just looked at each other for a moment before Aziraphale cupped Crowley's cheeks and pulled him in again.

And they continued to share a few soft kisses, neither of them knowing if or what to say.

'I really do like your eyes, my dear.', Aziraphale whispered up to him, cupping Crowley's cheeks.

He smiled, amused. 'Why did you say that?' Crowley proceeded to wrap his arms around the angel's waist, pulling him even closer.

'I thought you deserved to know. You look far prettier without your glasses, my dear.', he caressed his cheeks with his thumbs.

Crowley felt himself redden against the touch and words. 'Well- thank you- I-'

But he was cut off by yet another kiss.

This time though, it was Crowley who pulled away. 'Angel, I wanted to know, I-', he looked down and back up again.

Aziraphale looked at him encouragingly. 'Did you think I hated you?', he asked, at last.

'I thought you never wanted to see me again. And... yes, I- I thought you hated me.', Aziraphale looked at him, smiling.

'Well, I- I didn't, I was hurt, to say the least.' He took a breath. 'I... forgive you.', he chuckled.

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