(art by jennie planet, jennieplanetink on twitter.)
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Aziraphale & Crowley:Weddings can be quite entertaining to go to. They can be beautifully decorated, have a nice, large buffet, and if you're going there with friends or family you're close to, you won't even get bored after a while.
But it adds a different perspective when you're planning on getting married yourself.
Which decor was chosen? Which colours go together? Was enough at the buffet? Was the seating good? Did the people sitting together at tables get along?
Crowley and Aziraphale took interest in all the things above, not only because the both of them weren't the biggest fans of those on Gabriel and Beelzebub's wedding.
It was all in all rather beige, with black as a complementary colour. It didn't look bad, but it sure looked interesting when they first saw it.
Just as promised, Aziraphale and Crowley were invited, because the both of them actually got engaged, and after telling Beelzebub and Gabriel, they got their invitations, and gave them a save-the-date-like card, too.
-A Week Ago-
Aziraphale looked at Crowley, both confused and a tad bit shocked.
Crowley looked up at him, now insecure if Aziraphale even loved him that much, if he was overstepping, if he-
'Really, my dear. You couldn't have asked that any less romantic.', Aziraphale finally said, slightly smiling down at Crowley, whose head was positioned on Aziraphale's thigh.
'Oh. Yeah. Right.', well, at least he wasn't rejected. 'D'you seriously want me to do the whole show?'
'Of course I do. You'll only ask me that once.', after a brief pause he added: 'Well, almost only once. And don't act like you wouldn't love to do the full proposal, dear.'
Crowley shrugged. 'Caught me there. Hold on a second.'
He got up and walked outside, to the Bentley, and returned with a flower bouquet and a little black box after a moment.
He cleared his throat before sitting down beside Aziraphale and taking his hand. 'Aziraphale. Angel. We've known each other for well over 6000 years now.
We've... been through a lot. Spent a lot of time together.We both have been denying any positive feelings for each other at first, but we came up with the arrangement and spent time together regardless of Heaven and Hell.
And then, of course, we prevented Armageddon from happening and we're now more or less friends with the Antichrist, the witch and the rest of them...
... and we were on our own side from then on and we took Gabriel in, and we tried to hide him from Heaven and Hell, and they were all so oblivious, weren't they?
And then there were Gabriel and Beelzebub who apparently fell in love too.
But in the end, it was just us again. And... y'know damn well what happened then and in the last few days.. but in the end, we're together again. Here.
And I would like to spend... eternity here. With you. As us. And that's why I'm asking you, Aziraphale, Guardian of The Eastern Gate...'

Decisions. {Continuation of GO s2}
FanfictionSpoilers for Good Omens season 2!! (and not my cover art.) - - - Crowley and Aziraphale part ways after Crowley finally admitted his feelings to the angel. But it would be naive to think the two beings could simply stay out of each other's way, wh...