4: Girls (and others) Time

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Wanting to do whatever the prophecy would tell her to, Anathema wasn't sure what Agnes meant with 'the angel's shop'.

She knew Agnes referred to Crowley as the demon, so she though that maybe his companion, Aziraphale, could be the angel.

The only question remaining now was where the angel's shop was. So she decided to be blunt and ask him directly.

She entered Crowley's room with another cup of tea. "Where is that man's shop you were with at the Airbase?"

Crowley took it. "You don't beat around the bush."

Anathema waited for an answer. "A.Z. Fell & Co. Soho.",
Crowley finally said, not really knowing why she needed the name.

Anathema decided not to say more, knowing that he couldn't do anything to stop her from going there anyways.

(i'm just gonna skip to the moment she arrives because it's awkward to write the rest and YEAH I'M SO LAZY RN. (longer apology at the end meheheheh.))

When she arrived, she was tired, so she decided to go over to a nearby coffee shop; and 'Give Me Coffee Or Give Me Death' was an amazing name, she decided.

Anathema entered the shop, noticing two women behind the counter. Their auras were bright and she was sure that the two of them were great people.

They seemed happy to be in each other's company, even by doing a small thing such as one of the women showing the other how to do a small piece of art on a coffee.

When it was her turn in line, Anathema made her order and engaged in smalltalk.

"It's a nice name for a coffee shop.", she said.

The seemingly older woman looked up. "Thank you. I don't hear that often. Most people find it strange or amusing."

"I think it's creative. Anathema.", she smiled.

"Nina. And my part-time apprentice here is Maggie."Maggie looked up. "Oh. Hi!"

"Have you had any contact with the owner of the bookshop A.Z. Fell & Co.?", Anathema asked politely.

Maggie and Nina gave each other a look Anathema strangely enough recognised. It was the same kinda look Newt gave her after literal Satan appeared, being angry at an 11-year old boy who apparently was the Great Beast, Devourer of worlds.

It read: 'Hmm, are we really sure this happened right now, I mean, I know there's not a tactful and/or good explanation for literally anything that happened in the past few days, but hey, maybe the Secret-Camera filming crew just needs more to work with?

"There was a... shop owner meeting the day before yesterday. We both were there, and he organised it. It was at his shop."

Now it made sense. The two must be together, Nina bringing Maggie as her add on.

"What did you do? Was it as boring as it sounds?"

Nina laughed. "I like you. But, no, it was quite nice, he organised a ball." Anathema nodded. The bookshop owner organised it Jane Austin style. Who would've thought.

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