Chapter 3

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Jeongin's attention drew down to his phone once more, turning it on and checking all his notifications. A quiet sigh fell from his lips when he realized there was no new reply from her. His strange actions drew the attention of his members, who didn't want to mention it at first. But after a while, the younger boy started to obsessively check his phone every second.

"Why do you keep looking at your phone?" their leader was the first to inquire.

The younger boy's eyes drifted over to Chan, only to realize that he was curiously looking at him. Realizing that the question was directed towards him, a panicked "oh" escaped him as he tried to come up with an excuse. His mind drew a blank before quickly realizing he couldn't particularly lie to those he considered his second family.

"Do you remember that influencer I found on Instagram?"

The question immediately piqued the other members' interest, those who were minding their own business until now. Some quirked their eyebrows at his question, wondering why he had suddenly brought it up.

"You mean your internet crush?" Changbin asked, cutting straight to the chase.

A dust of red roamed across Jeongin's face as he nodded in response, starting to become shy.

"Yeah, her..."

"What about her?"

"She- well, she..." he trailed off, before adjusting his position in the car seat. "Well, I decided to message her last night, and she... well, she replied to me."

"You messaged her?" Chan raised an eyebrow at the younger boy, unsure if that was a good or bad thing.

"Y-Yeah- but it's probably going to be a short interaction. I'm sure it won't last long." He let out a nervous laugh, knowing the type of risk he took by reaching out to her.

"Didn't you say she's our fan?" Hyunjin recalled, to which some members nodded their head at the recollection. "Why did you reach out to her?"

"Well, I just- I just wanted to ask her a question..." Jeongin's sentence slowly faded into a mutter as he felt himself shrink under his members' stares.

Chan hummed acknowledgedly. "Just be careful, okay? We don't know what type of person she is, especially since it is social media. Anyone can fake their personality for the sake of public attention."

The other members nodded their heads in agreement, proceeding to give their own warnings. The younger boy listened to his friends, nodding his head in response, before he looked down at the device in his hand.

Maybe it was just him being hopeful, but Jeongin felt like she wasn't a bad person- that's how the internet is though. We will never truly know how someone is outside of the spotlight and behind the curtain. He would know that more than anyone else, especially with the persona he always displayed for his fans.


Hyunjoo pulled to a complete stop in the parking lot, before sending a message to the group chat, informing her friends that she was outside their apartment. A few minutes would pass by before the two females came out of the apartment complex. Areum quickly took the passenger side while Jiyoon slid into the back seat.

After ensuring they were both secured, the older girl started driving to their university. The two girls in the front started to sing their hearts out, after Areum turned up the music's volume. Jiyoon sat in the back, quietly scrolling through her phone. A sudden squeal would escape the younger girl, immediately drawing the other girls' attention.

"What's up?" Areum inquired as she lowered the volume.

Hyunjoo's eyes shot towards the rear view mirror, noticing the younger girl had pratically melted in her seat. A smile spread across Jiyoon's lips as she stared at her phone. Her hand slipped over her mouth as she started to kick her feet a little.

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