Chapter 7

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After she checked up on her assigned patients, she bid her coworkers goodbye. She grabbed her belongings before leaving the unit, pulling out her phone to check the time before an incoming call appeared on the screen. With confusion, she answered the call from her younger sister.


"Hyunjoo?" Sohee slurred on the other end before randomly bursting out laughing. "Where are you?" The girl's words dragged on as she whined.

"I'm still at the hospital, why? Do you need me to pick you up?"

Silence followed after Hyunjoo's question. She waited for a while, before deciding to call her sister's name.

"You know..." Sohee randomly spoke up. "I really hate you."

Despite their distant relationship, her words hurt the older girl more than she'll like to admit. With a sigh, Hyunjoo asked her sister one more time if she needed a ride.

"You're always so... so fucking perfect, you know that? It pisses me off," the younger girl continued, disregarding her sister's question. "And you... I hate you."

"Sohee, where are you? I'll come pick you up." Hyunjoo picked up her speed so she could get to the parking lot faster.

"No, I don't fucking need you! I don't need you! Or dad! Or even Dohyun!" The younger girl cried out, straining her voice as it broke. She started to sob on the other end of the call, hiccuping as she tried to continue. "Why can't I be close with you guys too? I'm a part of the family too, you know?"

"I know, Sohee, and you are."

"Don't fucking lie to me! You're always his favorite. I don't understand..."

"Sohee, there is no favorite-."

"Of course there is! It's you! It's always been you. I... I just want to be loved, Joonie... I really do, but I don't know how to get along with everyone."

The older girl couldn't help the sigh that fell from her lips, as her fingers ran through her hair. "Sohee, where are you? You're drunk right now, I'll come pick you up."

"Didn't you hear me?! I don't want you to!"

"I know, but I have to... because I love and care for you. So please, tell me where you are, okay?"

Sohee didn't respond to Hyunjoo's sisterly affection, one she has tried to give the younger girl many times before. The call came to an abrupt end as soon as the older girl got into her car. She withdrew the device from her ear, staring at the screen that now turned black.

With a sigh, Hyunjoo placed her forehead against the steering wheel, feeling overwhelmed by emotions. Her attention shifted back towards her phone when it vibrated in her hand, noticing that Sohee had finally sent her location over.


The older girl fumbled with the key as she struggled to open the door, trying her best to stabilize the passed out girl leaning on her. When she finally managed to get them both inside, Hyunjoo sat her sister down. The younger girl started to stir, before opening her eyes, body swaying a little. She watched as her older sister closed the door, locking it, before going to help her out of her heels.

At first, Sohee remained quiet, allowing Hyunjoo to help her without much complaint. But when the older girl was trying to help her to her bedroom, the younger girl grew more conscious of her current situation, shoving her sister to the side.

"Fuck off, I can walk myself," she slurred, trying to blink away her drunken state, before stumbling towards her bedroom.

The older girl watched as Sohee stumbled straight into a wall right after. Her movements ceased for a matter of seconds, before she started to use it as a guide, stabilizing her intoxicated body against it. Hyunjoo followed closely behind her sister, making sure she returned to her bedroom safely. The younger girl staggered to her bed, before throwing her body onto it, knocking out almost instantly.

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