Chapter 16

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Hyunjoo's focus was broken when she heard the dryer sound in the distance, announcing its completion. Her eyes flickered away from her schoolwork and towards the clock on top of her desk, where the bright numbers highlighted the late hour. She breathed out of exhaustion, rubbing her face with her hand, before getting up from her seat.

After retrieving the clothes in the laundry basket, she brought it back to her room. Her attention shifted from her incomplete work to the clothes she just dumped onto her bed. The sounds of her sister's carefree voice rang in Hyunjoo's ears, as the older girl stood alone in her room with responsibilities that piled on top of her endlessly. She stressfully ran her fingers through her hair, before she started folding the clothes.

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Hyunjoo finally eased into bed as she dried her hair from her late night shower. She found herself on Instagram, looking through her friend's stories. A familiar feeling crawled its way up her body as she watched each image go by. Her lips drew into a thin line, wanting to force down the sense of jealousy she felt. Sometimes she wondered what it would feel like to be as carefree as Sohee.

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