Chapter 2

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The blaring sound of the alarm drew the tired girl out of her much needed sleep, forcing her awake. A tired groan escaped her as she reached for her phone, immediately turning off the annoying reminder. She laid still on her bed, feeling too cozy to actually leave it, before trying to force her eyes open. The light rushing into the room despite the curtains, caused her to squint as she blinked away the tiredness.

Her hands ran up and down her face before she tossed the blanket off of her. She slowly sat up, swinging her legs over the edge of the bed, before planting her foot against the carpet floor. Hyunjoo did her morning routine in an attempt to refresh herself for the new day. A yawn escaped her as she left the bathroom, returning to her bedroom. She picked up her phone to reply to some messages, before noticing a reply from the user last night.

Bread 🍞
Oh, that makes sense
Sent at 5:50

What about you?
Why were you awake?
Sent at 6:10

Jeongin blinked a couple of times as his eyes fixated on his phone, unable to believe that he received another reply from his internet crush.

"What are you staring at so intently?" Felix curiously peered over the younger boy's shoulder.

In a panic, Jeongin shut off his phone and stammered out a "N-Nothing." In response, the Australian boy raised his eyebrow at his now nervous friend. He hummed unconvincingly before walking away, going to get ready for practice. Jeongin returned his attention to his phone, before racking his brain for a reply, knowing he had to lie since this was his private account.

Bread 🍞
I was busy, and got caught up in time 😅
I'm shocked you replied to me
Do you often reply to your followers?
Sent at 6:30

Haha happens to the best of us
And yes I do :)
I like to interact with them whenever I get the chance

Bread 🍞
Is there a reason why you replied to me specifically?
I'm sure you have a lot of people trying to reach out to you

Your message just happened to be the top one when I checked my DMs

Bread 🍞
It's pretty early, why are you awake?

Well, I have class today
I just wake up at this time to help around the house ^^
What about you?
Sent at 6:35

Bread 🍞
That's very nice of you
And uh... I have classes too, so I'm just getting ready haha
Sent at 7:10

The smell of food drifted throughout the house, enticing those who were still asleep to wake up. An older male stepped out of one of the bedrooms, before slowly making his way to the dining room. His presence went unnoticed by Hyunjoo, who was humming along to a song as she made breakfast. He walked over to the table and approached one of the chairs. The scraping sound drew his daughter's attention to him, as he took a seat.

She looked over her shoulder before greeting him with a bright smile. "Good morning, dad. How did you sleep?"

"Good morning, sweetheart. I slept fine, how did you sleep?" His eyes knowingly raked over her features, noting how exhausted she appeared.

Despite that, she hummed and cheerfully replied with a "I slept fine as well." She turned her attention back to the stove to finish making breakfast shortly after. Minjoon, her dad, watched her intently, lips pulling into a smile.

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