Chapter 21

61 2 21


How are you? ^^
Sent at 23:21

Bread 🍞
Oh my goshhh
Someone pinch me, I must be dreaming
Not my fave influencer messaging me first 😭✋
And I'm fine ig
What about you?
Sent at 00:32

You guess? Something wrong?
I'm doing okay, tired ofc

Bread 🍞
Just having a career crisis fr

What kinda crisis
You wanna talk about it?

Bread 🍞
Just don't know what I wanna do
But also at the same time... am I majoring in the right thing yk?

Yeahhhh I get you
I've had that crisis so many times

Bread 🍞
How do you handle it
I'm so close to shriveling up into a ball and balling my eyes out
Sent at 00:41

Oh um
I honestly just think about it like this
Just because you're majoring in something doesn't mean you have to stick to it entirely yk?
Like even after you graduate with a degree in one major, it doesn't mean that it's all set in stone
Sometimes a degree doesn't pertain to the jobs people end up with in the future
A lot of people change career paths yk
And like, there's a likely chance you'll constantly change jobs
Sent at 1:15

Bread 🍞
You're so rightttt
My fave influencer is sooo smart 🤩

Lmao nahhh
I just feel like the newer gen is more pressure to have a career in mind, like, one they fs know they'll stick with in the future
But in reality, it really isn't that easy
Decisions change and stuff
Just know there isn't any shame in not knowing what you wanna do with your career path, esp since you're just a baby 🤧

Bread 🍞
I'm not a baby
But you do make good point

You said you were younger than me so 🥴
Yeah I feel bad for those who think they need to stick to one career because everyone else seems like they have their shit together
Like not everyone does
But in this world, displaying that can be considered shameful, and I wish it wasn't...

Bread 🍞
Bro I'm the same age as you, please 😭
And yeah, honestly
It's nice knowing that tho, not everyone is 100% certain they wanna stick with what they set out to do at first

Oh wow, really? You're 22?
I feel like people are less willing to accept the fact that their career could change
Yk the fear of falling behind in life, so they just set out to do something they're not passionate about
But in reality, everyone goes at their own pace, and no one is truly "behind." It just seems that way because of how things are portrayed nowadays
Like yeah, going back to get a new degree or something isn't quite ideal, esp considering time
But like, if something else makes you happy then I say go for it
Why live a life full of regrets because of your job rather than going for one you know you'll enjoy
But I also understand it can be hard, so I really can't blame anyone
If only this was a perfect world 😔✊

Bread 🍞
Yeah, you're like a few months older than me LMAOOO
But yeah, I wish life wasn't so hard
Where's the easy mode in this thing 😭

Oh shit
You're still a baby tho
And frrrr
Where is it 😭
Also sorry for rambling, I didn't mean to give you a wall of text
I should prob drive home tho LMAO
I've been in my car just texting you

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