Chapter 27

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c.areum Always slayingggg I see 😍
0hyun_joo @c.areum Only for youu 😘

jae.01ee You look pretty I guesss 🙄
0hyun_joo @jae.01ee Thank you I guesss 🙄
c.areum @jae.01ee You're just jealous she's prettier than you
jae.01ee @c.areum Bro this comment has nothing to do with you 😀✋
c.areum @jae.01ee Well it does now 😀✋

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☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚

There was a numbing feeling Hyunjoo started to experience with each passing day, worsening until she felt nothing by Friday. Everyday was on repeat for her, going through the same cycle until she was sure she was going insane. With all the negativity already eating at her, it was easy for her to lose her grasp on life. Despite doing her best to seek her friends' help, she knew that she was the only person who could truly pull herself away from those blinding thoughts.

Unsure how she ended up here, her eyes skimmed the previous messages she had with "Jeongin." Their conversation had fallen short due to their upcoming exams, text messages staggering between days until they came to a complete stop. Admittedly, she missed their interactions, but she could never find the time to send him a message admist all her responsibilities. However, today she decided to reach out to him, almost out of vulnerability.

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