Chapter 11

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The younger boy practiced alone in the mirror as he fixated on his reflection. His aching body screamed at him for his persistence, as his lungs struggled to suffice the lack of oxygen. Jeongin's vision started to become blurry as he continued to push himself. He came to a screeching halt when he couldn't handle any more pain. His hands fell to his knees as he hunched over, desperately trying to stabilize himself.

The room started to spin as he breathed heavily. Sweat dripped off his jaw, as he tried to blink away the blurriness. With a sharp inhale, he fell to the ground and threw his head back. His eyes scanned the ceiling as the need to pass out became even more prominent, his vision giving in and out. He fell back onto the wooden floor, eyes screwing shut. Heavy breathing filled the dimly lit practice room, as he fought the tiredness rushing over him.


Single Father & His Hellspawns

Has anyone seen Jeongin?
Sent at 3:30

Wasn't he practicing?

At this time again?

Why are you asking Minho?
Did something happen?

He hasn't come back to the dorms yet...
Normally he's back by this time

That's concerning
Have you guys tried to call him?

I tried to ring his phone several times, but he's not picking up

Is anyone still at the company?

Not that I know of
Hyunjin, Changbin, Jisung, and I came back to the dorm a few hours ago
What about Felix?

He's fast asleep in our dorm
I'm going back to the company to check up on Jeongin

I'll come with you, let's meet in the lobby
✓✓Seen by Minho

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚

Hyunjoo sat in the seat pulled to her patient's bedside. Her eyes traced the pages of the book as she dramatically read each sentence, receiving quiet giggles from the little girl listening. Once she finished reading, she looked up at the girl staring at her. A smile pulled at Hyunjoo's lips before she stood up.

"Are you feeling better now?" she quietly asked, assessing her patient's expression.

The little girl nodded in response, mirroring the smile her nurse was displaying. "Mhm, I am!"

Her enthusiasm caused the older girl to breathe out a small chuckle, as she pushed back a few strands behind the little girl's ear.

"Do you think the big, mean frog became friends with the turtle?"

Hyunjoo hummed thoughtfully, as her eyes drifted around the room. She shifted her attention back to her patient before nodding her head. "I think they did, don't you?"

"I hope so." The little girl squealed at the idea, happily kicking her feet underneath the blanket.

"That settles it then, they become best of friends in the end."

The little girl's giggles filled the room as she covered her mouth, attempting to stifle the sounds coming from her. Hyunjoo's lips curved up as her patient laid back onto her bed, ready to fall back asleep. She hummed as she adjusted the blanket lying on the little girl. With a quiet "goodnight," she turned off the lights and exited the room, cleaning her hands with hand sanitizer right after.

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