Chapter 30

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Hyunjoo had only finished setting up the table with breakfast when a sudden knock echoed throughout the quiet house. A few seconds would pass before another one sounded, one evidently filled with rage and impatience. Her eyes immediately met her dad's, who was sitting at the dining table with his usual morning newspaper. They shared a knowing look, before she hesitantly made her way to the front door, Minjoon following behind her in pursuit.

She peered into the peephole and immediately confirmed that it was her mom. After withdrawing herself from the door, she turned to look at her dad. Unable to decipher the mixed emotions displayed on his face, her attention shifted back to the door. Her eyes dropped to the knob, hand slowly moving to grasp it. Another knock would erupt seconds before she could reach it, causing her to flinch at the built up frustration the older woman was expressing.

With much contemplation, Hyunjoo opened the door, revealing the angered woman waiting on the other side. Narae's arms were folded over her chest to show her impatience, eyebrow raising at the sight of her oldest daughter. Hyunjoo didn't move from her spot, hoping that her mom wouldn't try to enter the safety of the one story house. However, she would soon realize how mistaken she was for even thinking that.

It all happened in a matter of seconds. Narae stepped forward, entering the house she used to live in, before raising her hand. The girl didn't even have time to react before the familiar deafening sound caused her ears to ring. Her head turned slightly to the right, before the stinging sensation started to travel across the side of her face. She stood frozen in her spot, tears pricking her eyes.

"Narae." Her dad's urgent voice followed right after, before he stood between the two. "What are you doing here?"

The older woman scoffed at his question, rolling her eyes briefly. "It's still the weekend, Minjoon, I'm here to take the kids back."

Minjoon shook his head as his eyes narrowed in response. "I won't allow it, they're staying here with me."

"As if!" she seethed, taking a step closer to her ex-husband.

He didn't flinch and stood his ground. "You're not allowed in this house either, so please step outside."

A breath of disbelief escaped the woman as her lips formed into a smile, humored by his response. She stared at her ex-husband with a bewilderment, eyes burning with an inexplicable amount of rage.

"I'm not allowed? Are you fucking joking me, Minjoon? I used to live here!" she shouted, stomping her foot to show the anger that always filled her.

"Used to," he emphasized.

"You can't kick me out, you still fucking love me. I know you do!" she shouted in a frenzy, eyes crazed with insanity.

Her words caused him to freeze momentarily, lips pulling into a thin line. Silence fell around the three as their daughter watched from behind her dad. Although seeming unphased by the argument that would often occur before her parent's divorce, Hyunjoo couldn't help but cringe at the words spewing out of the older woman's lips.

"You're right, but there's a reason why we got divorced, Narae," he sternly reminded her. "Please leave and don't come back again, I'm going to take full custody of Sohee and Dohyun. They're staying with me, and they won't be returning to your house anytime soon."

Minjoon motioned the older woman out, making it clear that he wasn't planning to give her another warning. She stood there for a while, eyes skimming over his expression for some type of bluff. Unwillingly, she listened to him and stepped outside, standing in front of the open door.

"I can't believe you," she breathed out in disbelief, still trying to comprehend her ex-husband's words.

Her attention shifted towards Hyunjoo in a matter of seconds, piercing daggers into the girl that cowered behind the older male.

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