Chapter 6

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A yawn helplessly escaped Hyunjoo as she sat in the nurse's station, waiting for something to happen in the quiet unit. She opted to go on her phone for the time being, after making sure all the displayed vitals were stable. After pulling out the device, she replied to some messages from her friends, who were up late despite it nearing midnight.

She switched over to Instagram shortly after, mindlessly going through each post as she liked them. Her lips curved up into a smile when she finally saw the new post from her favorite boy band, Stray Kids. With the smile growing on her face, she scrolled through each photo, looking through them. Her mood soured shortly after, when she remembered how uncomfortable Jiyoon mostly likely caused the two members to feel.

She shook her head, not wanting to think about what the younger girl did, before finally checking her messages. After replying to her friends, she moved over to her general DMs. One reply after the other, she landed on the user from last night. She opened their message, reading their response, before finally sending them a reply.

Hey, sorry for the late reply
It's been a busy day haha
Ohhh, so you're a student too
Do you also attend my university? ^^
Sent at 23:59

Jeongin sat in front of the mirror with his legs propped up, and elbows resting against his knees. His eyes remained glued to the phone clenched in his hands, skimming over every article that was published hours prior about his group. He wanted to see if those fans released the photos they took of Minho and him.

Guilt ate him up, feeling that it would be his fault if his group's usual hangout spot was exposed. If he hadn't stared at those students, would they have noticed the two members? It felt like it was his fault.

A notification popped up at the top of the boy's screen, drawing his attention to it. He stared blankly for a while before quickly realizing that it was a response from her. Without hesitation, he tapped on it before the message could disappear amongst the rest of his notifications. His mind started to feel at ease, happy to know that she finally replied to him.

Bread 🍞
Don't worry about it!
And we attend different universities haha
Sent at 00:00

Ohh I see
How was school then?

Bread 🍞
Um... fine ig
Pretty boring yk?

Felt 😂
You're up late again
Are you busy studying or something?

Bread 🍞

Damn that sucks 😔
But you should make sure to rest soon
You prob have class tomorrow too, right?

Bread 🍞
I do
And I will after I finish
What about you?
Shouldn't you be sleeping soon too?

I'm currently working so... ^^

Bread 🍞
Wait, you work on a school day?

Yeah haha
But my shift ends in an hour sooo it's not too bad

Bread 🍞
Wait, why are you on your phone then? 🤨
Shouldn't you be doing your job?

I ammmm
Don't worry ^^

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