Chapter 29

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After her siblings calmed down, Hyunjoo made her way back to the café. Taeyoung was quick to greet her, trying to figure out what might've happened. She patted his shoulder reassuringly, telling him that everything was resolved, before she returned to the back. Her smile dropped the second she entered the break room though, a sigh helplessly falling from her lips. Stressfully, she ran her fingers through her hair, combing it back.

"What's wrong?"

The sudden question caused her to jump a little, unaware that her friend followed after her because he knew better. She turned around, eyes immediately landing on his worried face. His arms were crossed as he stared at her, eyes raking over the distressed expression she was trying to hide away. Her lips parted slightly, ready to dismiss the matter, before she stopped herself.

"It's just... my mom," she answered, knowing she promised to be more open with her friends.

"What happened?" Taeyoung took one step forward, hoping to encourage her to speak more on the matter.

She thought about it for a while, shaking her head lightly to herself. Nonetheless, she started to speak, almost rambling because she was still trying to comprehend it herself.

"I don't know- Sohee called me, and she was telling me how my mom went insane or something. Dohyun was crying in the background, and that's when I decided to leave the café. When I got there, everything was just so hectic. My mom was mad about something- I think it was because of me, but I don't know for sure. Sohee said it was a possibility, and I wouldn't doubt it."

Her hand ran through her hair again, feeling a bit frustrated with herself for her inability to tell the story correctly. Taeyoung, however, was unbothered by it and stood in front of her. He peered down at his friend, causing her to drop her head.


He placed his finger under her chin before gently lifting it up so she was looking at him. Her glassy eyes met his as she bit down on her lower lip, not particularly wanting to cry out loud. Taeyoung furrowed his eyebrows at the sight of the lone tear that fell from her eye, immediately wiping it away with his thumb. Being the one that wasn't particularly good with words in their friend group, he pulled her into a hug, allowing her to bury her face into his chest.

"It's not your fault, JooJoo, so don't blame yourself."

Her quiet sobs would follow right after, causing him to tighten his grip around her. He rested his chin on top of her head, hoping it'll calm her down. Being in his arms alone was comforting enough though, and she was grateful that she had such a caring friend like him. Her tears soaked his t-shirt but he didn't mind. His hand ran up and down her back in a comforting manner, allowing her to bathe in the safety formed by their friendship.

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Hyunjoo listened as Areum and Jaehyun bickered with one another, causing her lips to tug into an uncontrollable smile. Taeyoung would join the three later with a tray of drinks. He placed down each one in front of their designated person before sitting in the empty seat beside Areum. The younger girl nudged his shoulder with hers, giving him a toothy smile.

"They're on the house, right~?" she hummed.

Taeyoung shook his head, breathing out in disbelief. "You're funny, you have to pay for it."

Although he was obviously joking, Areum proceeded to playfully whine, telling him that he was mean. In response, Taeyoung rolled his eyes. Hyunjoo breathed out a chuckle after Jaehyun called the younger girl out for being a whiny baby, receiving him a glare from Areum. The older girl remained quiet as the two started to bicker again. Her attention would shift towards the phone resting beside her when the screen lit up with a new notification.

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