Cold Shu Kurenai x Pregnant Reader

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Requested by Kurenai1626. This is my first x Reader oneshot, so I hope that you like it.

Shu Kurenai and (Y/N) have been married for two years. Right now (Y/N) is six months pregnant with her first child.

Everything was going smoothly for the most part, except for one thing. (Y/N)'s once sweet and caring husband had turned cold and emotionless. (Y/N) just didn't understand what had happened.

In the early days of their marriage, Shu had spoiled (Y/N) with gifts and affection. But when she told him that she was pregnant, Shu had freaked out a little. (Y/N) thought that he would return to normal after he got over the shock, but the opposite happened. Shu had become cold and distant.

(Y/N) had tried to ask Shu about his change of attitude, but he just snapped back whenever she tried, so she stopped questioning him after a while.

If that wasn't enough, Shu was now spending longer and longer hours at work. He rarely had time for (Y/N) anymore. (Y/N) was starting to worry that Shu didn't love her anymore.

(Y/N)'s POV

Another day has passed with Shu hardly saying anything to me. When I said goodbye to him when he left for work, he  didn't reply. I just don't understand it. Last year, he would kiss me goodbye. Why doesn't he do that anymore?

I don't have time to think about that. I have to plan my baby shower for next month. I still can't believe that I am going to have a baby! It just seems too good to be true.

I smiled as I placed a hand on my belly. I could feel the baby kicking every now and then. My heart felt like it was swelling with joy.

Suddenly, I remembered something. Shu had forgotten his laptop. There's no way he can work without it! And he's going to flip out once he realises that he has forgotten it. I should quickly take it to the Raging Bulls.

Twenty minutes later...

I quickly climbed out of my car as I arrived at the Raging Bulls. Hopefully Shu isn't too cross with me. He sometimes gets annoyed if I show up while he's working. He complains that I distract him.

I already knew the way to his office, so I just went there. I gently knocked on the door.

I heard Shu's voice say, "Come in."

I opened the door and went in his office. I saw Shu looking through his desk. "Just a minute," he said. "I'm looking for something."

"Shu, it's me," I said.

Shu looked up and saw me. "Why are you here?" he asked. "I told you that I don't want you disturbing my work."

"You left your laptop at home," I told him. "I brought it to you."

"Well, why didn't you just call me and told me that I left my laptop at home instead of coming all the way here." The harsh tone in his voice made me wince.

"I... I was trying to help."

"Just go away," said Shu. I felt my eyes tear up.

"O...okay. I'll go," I said. Then I ran out of the office.

Shu's POV

I immediately felt guilty when I saw (Y/N) run out of the office. Oh no, what did I do?

I was ashamed of the reason why I had been so distant with (Y/N) since she got pregnant. So ashamed that I didn't tell her anything.

I quickly ran after her. "(Y/N), wait! I didn't mean it!"

(Y/N) turned around once she saw me coming after her. "Oh, now you want to talk with me? You have been horribly rude to me for the past six months."

My heart ached. "Listen, I know that there is no excuse for treating you the way I have treated you, but I have a reason for it. I..."

However, I didn't get to finish my sentence. For (Y/N) suddenly started to hold her stomach in pain. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"I... I don't know," said (Y/N). She sat down on the floor.

"Hold on. I will call an ambulance."

Not long afterwards, I was waiting in the hospital's waiting room. Please don't let it be anything serious!

Soon, a doctor gave me news. "Your wife doesn't seem to be in any critical condition, but her baby isn't looking so good. If you had come a little later, the baby wouldn't have made it."

My heart froze. "The baby may die?"

I felt horribly guilty. (Y/N) would be absolutely heartbroken if anything happened to the baby. She loved it more than anything. I felt that I had to apologize.

Fortunately, (Y/N) didn't seem to look any worse after what had happened. She even smiled a little when she saw me.

"Shu, I didn't think that I would see you so soon."

I took a deep breath. "(Y/N), I'm so sorry about what had happened. You could have lost our baby because of me."

"Shu, it wouldn't be your fault if..."

"No, you don't understand!" I said. "The truth is that I was jealous of the baby."

(Y/N) stared at me in surprise. "You, jealous?" she asked. "Why?"

"Because you seemed to love the baby so much. I was worried that you would stop loving me. That's why I put on that cold act. I was trying to hide my jealous feelings."

(Y/N) laughed a little at that."I was worried that you had stopped loving me. Oh Shu, you should have told me how you were feeling. I could have helped you."

"I just felt so ashamed," I told her. "Can you ever forgive me?"

"I will forgive you on one condition," said (Y/N).

"What's that?" I asked.

"That you turn back into the sweet Shu I fell in love with. I have missed that part of you."

I smiled. "Deal," I said. I gave (Y/N) a quick kiss on the lips.

No one's POV

A few months passed and (Y/N) gave birth to a healthy baby boy. Shu found himself loving the baby so much. As for (Y/N), she was happy that she had her loving husband back.

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