Overworked Shu Kurenai x Reader

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Requested by me. I haven't had much inspiration for this book lately and hopefully this story will reignite it.

There were some people who believed work was important. There were some people who sometimes slacked on their work and finished it at the last minute. However, there were people who seem to do nothing but work.

(Y/N) was very annoyed with her boyfriend Shu Kurenai. Not because he rarely had time for her nowadays. Sure, she hated that they hardly had any time together, but she could handle it. The reason she was annoyed was because of the ridiculous hours Shu spent at work.

Shu was always at work before (Y/N) woke up and would only come back home after (Y/N) was in bed.

The only chance (Y/N) got at seeing Shu anymore are the rare times he came home for meals. Although Shu always greeted her, he would rush back to work quickly.

(Y/N) was concerned over Shu's health. Even when he was at home early, he would go and work on his laptop. Sometimes (Y/N) would go to the bathroom in the middle of the night and find Shu still working.

One day, (Y/N) decided to go to the Raging Bulls so that she would be able to see Shu more. Besides, it had been a while since she had talked to some of Shu's students.

Fubuki was happy to see her. "Hi (Y/N)," he said. "It's been a long time."

"Hi Fubuki," said (Y/N). "Is Shu alright?"

"Well, he always seems to be working," said Fubuki. "You know, I'm glad you brought this up, because I'm getting worried about him. He always seems to be working and I don't remember the last time I saw him taking a break. He also seems tired and I think that he hasn't slept for a few days."

(Y/N) was shocked. She knew that her boyfriend was a huge workaholic, but he was damaging his health. She stormed up to Shu's office.

(Y/N) knocked on the door, and it opened to reveal Shu. He looked at her in surprise. "(Y/N)? What's wrong?"

"You are coming home right now!" said (Y/N). "There's no way I am letting my boyfriend overwork himself and damage his health!"

Shu shook his head. "(Y/N), you worry too much. I'm fine, really."

"Are you sure? You look exhausted. You should get home and rest."

Shu kissed (Y/N) on top of her forehead. "Don't worry, I will be fine. I will see you later in the evening."

(Y/N) sighed. She couldn't really force Shu to rest, but she couldn't just watch him overwork himself even more. Unfortunately, (Y/N) would turn out to be right.

"Shu, are you sure you won't have lunch?" asked Fubuki.

"I still have a ton of paperwork to do," said Shu. "I will just grab a snack later." Shu was doing his best to ignore his growing headache and slight dizziness that came with it.

Fubuki sighed. "Okay." He went out of the office.

Shu tried to work, but the dizziness and exhaustion was getting worse. He was so tired that he could barely keep his eyes open. He didn't dare fall asleep and he still had a lot to do.

His head was pounding and he felt like he was going to faint. He tried to stand up, but he felt like the room was spinning. Despite his willpower to stay alert, he was still human and his body had limits. Shu ended up collapsing on the ground.

Fubuki decided to bring Shu some food so that he could eat while working. But when he knocked on the door, he received no answer.

Fubuki got worried. Shu always responded. "Shu?" he asked.

Fubuki had a shock when he went into the office and found Shu unconscious. He quickly shook him. "Shu? Shu, are you okay? Wake up!"

Fubuki called (Y/N). "(Y/N), Shu has fainted! I don't know what to do!"

"I'll call a doctor. Just get him to a comfortable place."

(Y/N) came back to the Raging Bulls and saw Shu unconscious on a couch. The doctor was checking on him.

"Apparently he fainted from overwork and sleep deprivation," said the doctor. "I would advise for him to rest."

"I told him to take breaks, but he won't listen," said (Y/N). "I will make sure he does this time."

The next time Shu opened his eyes, he was in his own bed at home. He wondered how he got there."

"You're finally awake," said (Y/N). "You have no idea how worried I have been. You slept for ten hours!"

Shu was shocked. He noticed that it was now nighttime. "I have been asleep for how many hours?"

"This is why I told you to rest," said (Y/N). "You fainted while doing your work. And it was due to overwork."

"I'm sor..."

"Sorry? I'm not the one you should apologize to. You were putting your health at risk. You could have been sick, and how exactly could you do your work when sick? Though knowing you, you would have ignored the fact that you were sick and continued working, which would damage your health more."

Shu went quiet. "I... I..."

"Shu, you need to take a week off from work and use that time to rest."

"I can't go one week without..."

"Your health comes first."

After seeing his girlfriend's serious face, Shu sighed. "Alright, I will rest."

"Good," said (Y/N). "Now sleep. It's very late and you need a lot of rest."

"But I just woke up," said Shu.

"Then I will snuggle you until you pass out," said (Y/N).

Shu blushed. His girlfriend could be persistent at times. But that's why he loved her.

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