Kurt Baratier x Reader Part 2

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Here's the second part to Adriana_Adrianx's request. Sorry if it isn't as good as the first story.

Three months later...

(Y/N)'s POV

I can't believe that I am being dragged by my younger brother to the International Bladder's Cup. But I know how much he loves Beyblade. He's only a beginner for now, but he says that he will be able to enter a tournament in a few years.

I wasn't really interested. I knew the names of the Big Five, but I had no clue who the others would be. As my brother led me through the hallways, I suddenly noticed someone familiar.

It was that clown guy I had seen a few months ago! He was with some sort of clown posse. People were looking at them in awe. What was his name again? Oh yeah, Kurt.

"Er... Is there another way to the bleachers?" I asked my brother.

"But this is the quickest way," said my brother. "Why? Are you scared of the clown guy?"

Not quite. His creepy behaviour towards me still freaked me out.

Just then, I saw Kurt go up to a young boy who looked around the same age as my brother. Kurt spoke to him, but the boy ignored him and tried to walk away. Suddenly, a parrot flew out of nowhere and disturbed Kurt and the clown posse. This was madness. I quickly ran away.

That night...

I had to admit that the matches were more interesting than I had anticipated. I still don't quite remember the bladers' names, but some of them were just kids. How on earth were they so good?

As my brother went into the bathroom, I heard a knock on the hotel room door. I opened it to discover Kurt!

"Hello there," said Kurt.

"You again!" I said.

"I noticed you earlier when I was talking to Red Eye," said Kurt.

I got confused. "Red Eye? Are you sure that's his real name?"

I suddenly heard my brother's voice call out, "Of course not! Use your common sense. What kind of parents would name their child Red Eye?"

Kurt smiled at me. "Why don't the two of us go for a walk together?"

"Not a chance," I said before closing the door in his face.

No one's POV

(Y/N) did her best to avoid Kurt, but that guy had an annoying habit of showing up whenever he wanted. (Y/N) hated having him around and spent most of her time in her hotel room.

However, her brother convinced her to watch the fourth round in the bleachers. "There's going to be epic battles today!" he said. "Like the one between Valt Aoi and Shu Kurenai!"

"Who?" asked (Y/N). She still was unfamiliar with the bladers' names.

(Y/N)'s brother sighed. He proceeded to explain the long history between the two boys, but (Y/N) didn't appear to be listening.

Since Group B's battles were first, it would be a while before Valt and Shu would battle each other.

"So Silas Karlisle will be battling Joshua Burns first," said (Y/N)'s brother.

(Y/N) rolled her eyes at the mention of Joshua's name. She hated that guy. She didn't understand why most of her friends swooned over him. In her opinion, Joshua was arrogant, conceited, and full of himself.

As if he was reading her mind, her brother nodded and said, "Yeah, I can't stand Joshua either. I assume that you will cheer for Silas, right?"

(Y/N) nodded. "Yeah," she said.

Little did the two siblings knew that someone else was listening in their conversation.

(Y/N)'s POV

Between the Group B and Group A matches, I went to grab a snack. But just as I grabbed a packet of chips from a vending machine, I turned around to see Kurt.

"Hello there," said Kurt.

"Aah," I said. "What do you want now?"

"Simple," said Kurt. "I want to talk to you."

"About what?" asked (Y/N). "I keep saying no. Will you stop trying to ask me out in creepy ways?"

"I want to know why you were cheering for that broccoli-haired boy earlier."

I was confused at first. Then it slowly dawned on me that he was referring to Silas.

"Because I hate Joshua Burns," I said. "Why does that matter to you? He's not in your group anyway, so you aren't going to battle him."

"Because I like you," said Kurt.

I looked at him, unsure whether to take him seriously or not. "If you really like me, then why act so creepy? I'm not fond of being someone's toy."

"Look," said Kurt. "How about we just go out to the cafe together? I promise that I won't make any sudden moves."

After pondering for a while, I agreed. "Fine. As long as you don't give me I want you eyes."


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