Dragon Free x Valt

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Requested by Meowpaw230. Hopefully you like this.

Free De La Hoya watched Valt as he chatted with his friends. He had been crushing on Valt for a while, but he didn't want anyone to know about it.

But Free didn't have time to dwell on his crush. He had a match to think about, and Valt was going to be his opponent.

However, Free felt a bit odd. He felt really hot for some reason and his breath smelt weird.

Am I sick? Free thought worriedly. He didn't have time to be sick. He had a match to think about.

Soon, it was time for the match. The two friends and teammates prepared to launch.

Everything went smoothly at first. Valt took a point from Free. Then Free took a point from Valt. But in the third battle, something strange happened.

Free was so absorbed in his match with Valt that when he launched, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his arm.

This wasn't the first time it happened. Free had injured himself in a match against Valt once before, in the International Blader's Cup. But this wasn't like last time.

The previous time, Free had sprained his arm rather badly. If it wasn't for Kris, he might have ended his blading career.

This time, however, Free's arm felt like it was burning. And if that wasn't enough, Free felt pain in his whole body, not just his arm. He had no idea what was happening.

Suddenly, Valt gasped. "Free," he said.

Free soon realized what had happened. He was suddenly a lot taller than he used to be and he was no longer human. Free had turned into a dragon.

Unfortunately, the realization made Free panic even more. He started reacting in terror and screaming.

Free was roaring and clawing at things. He accidentally scratched the walls in terror and cried out for help, but no one understood him and assumed that he was reacting in rage.

People were now screaming and running away. Things might be fine if it just ended there, but then some strange men in white suits appeared and attempted to bind Free with a metal rope. That caused the people to freak out more.

Free screamed even more and accidentally burned some of the men. The men had no idea that they were making it worse.

Valt had been the only person that had not run away or reacted at all. He had seen things in his life. He had seen a weird masked blader that turned out to be a member of the Supreme Four. He had seen his best friend turn evil and destroy beys. But seeing Free turn into a dragon really took the cake for him.

While everyone else were running and screaming, Valt had just stood in his place, too shocked to do anything. But when he watched the men in white suits try to take Free away, he snapped out of his stunned phase.

"Hey, stop it!" yelled Valt. "That's my friend you're trying to take away!"

One of the men gave Valt a glance. "Kiddo, this isn't like that friend of yours who got possessed by an evil Beyblade. You can't reason with a dragon."

"Except that is not just a dragon," said Valt. "That is still Free. I could tell he is still in there. He's reacting like that because you're harming him. You can't just take him away."

"Don't be idiotic," said another man. "If humans could talk to dragons, then why do dragons go around harming others? Like that one over there."

"You're not listening!" snapped Valt. It was rare for Valt to snap, but he was annoyed with those men who were trying to imprison his friend. "Free isn't a monster. He's just frightened. I would be scared too if I turned into a dragon."

Without hearing what the men had to say, Valt walked up to the golden dragon. "Free? Are you still there? It's me, Valt."

The dragon seemed to calm down slowly, and his black eyes widened in recognition. He allowed Valt to pat him.

"Don't worry," said Valt. "We will figure this out somehow. I won't let anyone hurt you."

Valt then looked at the men. "See? Let Free go. He's not dangerous."

The men agreed and released Free's restraints. Valt turned back at Free and smiled at him.

"Come on Free. Let's go home."

Valt gently led Free out of the door (which now looked more like a tunnel entrance) and they went back to BC Sol.

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