Cold/Busy Shu Kurenai x Soft/Sick Reader

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Requested by MiaKurenai_2009. Thanks for your second request.

(Y/N)'s POV

I just sat in the Raging Bulls cafeteria alone. I am a little shy, so I prefer to be alone.

This is my first week as a Raging Bulls member. Some of my new teammates are quite nice, but others think that I'm peculiar.

Yesterday, some boys accidentally bumped into me and another boy and we fell down. It hurt quite a lot, but I didn't get mad at the boys at all while the other boy yelled at them. I have never gotten angry in my life. It's just the way I am.

Overall, I get along pretty well with most of my teammates, but there is one person I am most intrigued by.

Shu Kurenai is the owner of the Raging Bulls, and I heard that he can be cold a lot of the time. I have only met him once so far, and although he was perfectly polite to me, I felt an emotionless vibe from him. But there had to be something more to that.

I have heard that he spends most of his time alone and shuts everyone else out. He spends most of his time working and hardly takes breaks at all. Has that guy ever heard of a healthy work/play balance?

I decided to ask him about that after lunch. So for the first time, I went to his office and knocked on the door.

No answer. I knocked a little louder, thinking that Shu didn't hear me. Still no answer. "Anybody inside?" I asked.

Just then, the door opened and Shu was standing in the doorway, looking annoyed. "I'm busy," he said. "What do you want?"

I stayed silent for a moment, unsure of what to say. Then I said, "Do you spend all of your time working?"

"Yes," said Shu. "Why do you ask?"

"Why don't you take a break?" I asked. "It's not healthy to work all of the time..."

"That's none of your business!" snapped Shu, and I felt my eyes well up with tears. I hate getting yelled at.

"O-okay," I said. "S-sorry I disturbed you."

Why did I have to be such a baby? I can never take confrontation well even though I don't mind getting knocked over. If someone makes fun of me or shouts at me, I turn into a human waterfall.

After practice, I went outside to go home. I was so lost in thought that I didn't think of looking at the weather.

BOOM! I looked up to see that I had gone outside and it had started raining. Uh oh. I ran all the way home.

Shu's POV

I got concerned when (Y/N) didn't show up for practice today. Did I upset her that bad yesterday?

I felt bad for my rudeness towards her. The truth is that I have a bit of a crush on (Y/N). She's really sweet. And the way I had responded to her advice yesterday was terrible. I knew where she lived, so I decided to go over to her house to apologize after practice.

When I rang her doorbell, there was no answer. Was she ignoring me? The reason why I hadn't responded to her knocks immediately yesterday was because I was busy with my paperwork. But when she kept knocking, I had given up and answered anyway.

I noticed that the door was unlocked, which was weird. I figured out that the worst-case scenario would be (Y/N) being mad at me for practically breaking into her home.

Wait. (Y/N) never gets mad at anyone. Never mind.

Anyway, I called out, "(Y/N)? Are you there?"

I heard a sound from upstairs, so I went up the steps. I spotted (Y/N) lying facedown on her bed. She was still wearing the same clothes from yesterday.

"(Y/N)?" I asked. "Are you asleep?"

(Y/N) muttered something incomprehensible, so I turned her around. She looked terrible. Her face was red, her hair was a mess, and she had dark circles under her eyes. I touched her forehead. It was hot.

"You have a fever," I said. "Is anyone looking after you?"

"No," said (Y/N) in a soft whisper. "My parents are working." Then she coughed.

"Did you check your temperature?" I asked.

"Yes," said (Y/N). "39.5 °C I got soaked yesterday in the rain."

"You should probably change into your pyjamas," I said. "That would be more comfortable."

"I know," said (Y/N). "But I'm so tired."

"I'll make you some soup," I told her. I went downstairs and went to the kitchen to make soup.

When I came back upstairs with the soup, (Y/N) was in her pyjamas. I guess that she had decided that she didn't care how tired she felt. I must admit, she looked pretty cute in her Mickey Mouse pyjamas. Sure, they looked kiddy, but they suit her somehow.

I fed (Y/N). I just couldn't stop looking into her beautiful (E/C) eyes. How is she so cute when sick?

"Do you want to sleep now?" I asked after she had finished her soup and taken her medicine. (Y/N) nodded.

"Alright. I'll tuck you in," I said. Just then, I remembered why I had come here in the first place. "(Y/N), I'm sorry that I snapped at you. I didn't think that you would get that upset."

No one's POV

(Y/N) had been surprised when Shu had not only visited her, but had actually looked after her. She looked at him.

"It's okay," she said. "I have already forgiven you. I don't believe in holding grudges."

"Actually, the truth is that I may have a crush on you," said Shu nervously.

(Y/N) looked so surprised that she forgot that she was sick and sat up. "I have a crush on you too," she said.

The two of them looked into each other's eyes and slowly leaned closer. But (Y/N) suddenly pulled away.

"Sorry, but I don't want to get you sick. Maybe we can save this for when I get better."

"Good point," said Shu. "Now go to sleep. I will be here until you get better."

(Y/N) nodded as she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

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