Depressed Shu Kurenai x Reader

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This was @BeninaDaizora12's last request before she vanished, so this oneshot is made in her memory. Hopefully she sees this and comes back.

Valt Aoi was very excited as he was driving to Shu's place. It had been a year since the last time they had last seen each other.

A few minutes ago, he had sent a text message to Shu to tell him that he was on his way.

I can't wait to see Shu again, thought the blue-haired boy happily. I have so much I want to tell him about.

However, what Valt never knew was that he was never going to make it to Shu's house. For he was about to have an accident. A bad one.

As Valt turned to the right, he suddenly spotted a speeding car getting in his way. He didn't have any time to react and crashed, his vision going black.

Shu's POV

I kept looking out of the window, waiting for Valt's car to arrive. Where was he? Although Valt would be late for things a lot when he was younger, he's very punctual now. Besides, he would never be late for hanging out with me.

Just then, I received a phone call. I thought that it must be Valt and answered it. What I heard made my heart drop. Valt had been in an accident!

Quickly I rushed to the hospital. I had just talked to Valt on the phone a few hours ago! And now he was at the hospital, badly hurt.

The first thing I did was to find a doctor. "Where's Valt Aoi? Is he okay?"

The doctor sighed. "I'm sorry," he said. "We tried everything, but he's gone."

Gone? No, not Valt! Not my best friend since kindergarten! Not the one person who stuck by my side no matter what!

Normally I wouldn't cry in public, but now I couldn't control my tears. An hour earlier I had been looking forward to seeing Valt for the first time in a year. Now I'm never going to see him again!

I called all of our friends to tell them all the news. Then I called Valt's mother to tell her. After I finished the calls, I went into my room and burst into tears.

No one's POV

Three months passed since Valt had died in the car crash. Shu had fallen into a deep depression. He wouldn't eat, wouldn't sleep, and would secretly cut himself when he was alone.

Shu didn't remember the last time he had eaten a proper meal or had a good night's sleep. He would usually cry in bed.

One day, Shu was lying in bed (but not asleep) when he heard someone ring his doorbell. He slowly got up and went to his front door. He had no idea who could it be.

To his shock, the person outside was his childhood friend (Y/N). She had been a good friend of Shu when they attended Beigoma Academy together. However, she moved away a few years ago, and he hadn't heard from her since.

"Hi Shu," said (Y/N). "I thought that I would surprise you as I was in town. By the way, I heard what happened to Valt. I'm really sorry about it."

Shu tried not to cry. "Come in," he said.

"Shu, your place is a mess!" said (Y/N). "What happened to the neat freak?"

"Sorry. I haven't had time lately," said Shu. The truth was that he had no motivation to clean up his house.

"I'll help you," said (Y/N). "We can clean up together."

(Y/N)'s POV

Something was up. I noticed that Shu seemed exhausted and a little under the weather. And it seemed like he had lost weight.

Did it have something to do with Valt dying? I had been shocked when I had heard the news, which was why I had come over.

The state of Shu's house showed that something was wrong. Besides, Shu kind of smelt funny. When was the last time he had showered or changed clothes? His laundry also smelt odd.

After four hours, Shu's house was clean again. I suggested that we go out for dinner.

"No, I'm not hungry," said Shu. "You can go out on your own."

I heard noises from Shu's stomach. "Are you sure? Your stomach says otherwise."

"I have no appetite. You can eat on your own."

I felt concerned. "Maybe I'll just order takeout. I'm really worried. You left your house in a mess, you are not hungry, and you smell weird. Have you been taking care of yourself?"

Shu looked down. I sighed. "Maybe I should stay the night. You're obviously still grieving for Valt. I can help you."

Shu hugged me. "Thanks (Y/N)," he said. "I don't know what I would do without you."

That night, I was sleeping soundly in the guest room when I heard a noise from the kitchen. "Shu?" I asked.

I opened the door and went to the kitchen. What I saw made me scream.

Shu was standing at the sink, cutting himself with a knife. I had figured out that he was sad, but I had never thought that he was depressed.

"Shu!" I yelled. "What on earth are you doing?"

Shu looked at me. "I... I..." He suddenly dropped the knife.

"Shu?" I asked.

To my horror, he suddenly fainted on the spot. Horrified, I called 911.

I felt terrified as paramedics put Shu on a stretcher and put him in an ambulance. Oh please let him be alright.

I waited for hours in the hospital waiting room until a doctor told me that Shu was going to be fine. Well, physically fine.

The doctor said that the checkup revealed that Shu was suffering from sleep deprivation and had lost a lot of weight. I asked if I could see him.

"Not now," said the doctor. "He's sleeping now and we want him to rest."

I was able to see him the next day. Shu didn't look as tired as before, but he still looked unwell. "Shu, are you okay?" I asked.

"Not really," said Shu.

"Shu, why did you do this? I was so scared and thought that I was going to lose you," I said. "Valt wouldn't have wanted you to do this."

Suddenly, Shu burst into tears and cried a lot. I hugged him. "It's okay, I'm here."

"I... I can't take it anymore," said Shu. "I'm depressed! I have been depressed since Valt died. That was why I stopped taking care of myself and left my house in a mess. The only reason I haven't committed suicide yet is because I know that Valt wouldn't want me to."

I wiped Shu's tears. "Hey, it's okay. I can help you. We will go through this together. I love you so much. I don't want to see you sad."

"I love you too," said Shu.

Before I knew it, we were both kissing. I can't believe that I had fallen in love with my childhood friend.

No one's POV

(Y/N) helped Shu go to therapy and helped him through his healing process. Although Shu still missed Valt, he was slowly getting better from his depression.

After a few months, Shu and (Y/N) became boyfriend and girlfriend. It was the happiest Shu had been since Valt's death.

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