Ichika x Dante

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Requested by SoM3bodynNobody. Hope you enjoy your second request.

It has been a few weeks since the Victories had defeated Inferno. Everything was back to normal. Well, mostly everything.

The truth was that Ichika Kindo has been crushing on Dante Koryu for a while now. That boy was just so upbeat and positive. It was no wonder so many people liked him.

However, Dante had no clue that Ichika even liked him. To him, Ichika was his friend. So he quite failed to notice all the tiny signs that she liked him.

Her nervousness whenever she was near him. The blush on her cheeks when she accidentally touched Dante's hand. The way she occasionally glanced at him during dinner.

However, the rest of the Victories clearly spotted the signs. Trust Dante to not notice the signs of a crush! But then again, he was only ten.

One day, the Victories decided to help Ichika and Dante figure out their feelings for each other. So they did a very sneaky trick.

Arman and Delta wrote notes to Ichika and Dante respectively. Ichika discovered her note in her backpack. It read:

Hi Ichika. Can we talk? I am trying to perfect this new move I came up with. Meet me at the Beypark.


Ichika was surprised to see that Dante wanted her to help him perfect a move. Surely Arman or Delta would be better choices? But she decided to meet him as planned.

Dante saw his note on his bed. It read:

Hi Dante. I am so annoyed with Fumiya right now. He has been driving me crazy again. Can we meet at the Beypark so that we can talk about it?


Dante was a little confused about what on earth was that, but he decided to meet Ichika anyway.

Ichika arrived at the Beypark before Dante. She waited patiently for ten minutes before Dante arrived. She sighed in relief. "There you are," she said.

"Here I am," said Dante. "By the way, how was Fumiya annoying you?"

"Huh?" asked Ichika. "What are you talking about?"

"You wrote a letter telling me that you needed to talk to me about Fumiya."

"What? You wrote a letter asking me to help you perfect a new move you came up with."

"What? Why would I write a letter? I don't even like writing."

Suddenly, the truth dawned on the two of them. They had been tricked!

"Of course!" said Ichika. "I thought that your handwriting looked suspiciously like Arman's. But why write false notes to us?"

"I know! It's an April Fool's Day joke!" said Dante.

Ichika wanted to slap a hand on her face. "Dante, it's August."

"Oh yeah," said Dante. "I forgot."

Then his green eyes lit up. "I know!" he said again. "It's an August Fool's Day joke!"

Ichika was tempted to laugh. Really, Dante was just too cute for words. He could be really hilarious at times.

As Dante continued to give silly suggestions, each one more amusing than the previous one, Ichika was slowly leaning closer and closer to him.

Finally, Dante stopped talking and stared at her. "Ichika, why are you so close to me?"

"Huh?" asked Ichika. That was when she realised that she was half an inch away from kissing Dante. She quickly sat up properly. "Sorry," she said. "I don't know what came over me."

Dante stared at Ichika. He wondered why her face was so red. "Er... Ichika? Is there something bothering you?"

"What? Er, no." Ichika's nerves made her voice go high pitched.

"Ichika, we are friends. You don't have to keep things from me," said Dante.

Ichika looked down. "I... I can't say. It's... Embarrassing."

Dante looked at her. "Come on. I'm sure that we can figure this out. If it isn't Fumiya that is bothering you, then what..."

"I have a crush on you!" said Ichika. Dante's jaw practically hit the ground.

"Are you serious?" asked Dante. "Please tell me that it is an August Fool's Day joke."

"Dante, there is no August Fool's Day!"

"Oh, sorry. But you sound really peculiar right now. You, having a crush on me? This sounds too weird for words!"

"I'm sorry, but I just couldn't help it!" said Ichika. "I really like you."

"That's sweet and all, but I don't feel the same way about you. This seems so... Wild and insane!" Dante's face was turning red, as it usually did when Dante got riled up.

"Sorry," said Ichika. "Well, I am okay with us being friends until you're ready."

"Sure," said Dante. "By the way, I have a very funny idea."

The next morning, everyone woke up to find out that Dante and Ichika had hidden their beys and spent an hour looking for them.

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