Father Shu Kurenai x Mother Reader

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Requested by ShuKurenai2009. Hope that this story is enjoyable for you. It may have a bit too much angst.

"Come on, Keisha! Can you please go to sleep?"

"But Mommy! I don't want to go to sleep. I want to keep playing!"

(Y/N) sighed. For the past twenty minutes she had been trying to get her four-year-old daughter to go to bed. No matter how many times she tucked her in, Keisha would be up and awake the next second.

"Keisha, you have to go to bed. Pretty pretty please?"

"No!" said Keisha. "I'm not sleepy!"

Just then, Shu Kurenai opened the front door. "Daddy!" called Keisha.

Shu smiled before scooping his daughter in the air. "Hey there Princess! Isn't it past your bedtime?"

Keisha squealed with laughter.

"Shu, if you could get that child to sleep, I'll be surprised," said (Y/N).

Shu smiled. "Don't worry, I'll handle this. You go to bed. He gave (Y/N) a quick peck on her cheek.

Half an hour later, Shu was placing a storybook back in the bookshelf and Keisha was sleeping soundly in her princess bedroom.

"How do you manage it?" (Y/N) asked him the next day at breakfast. "Every time I try to put her to bed, she doesn't want to sleep. But all it takes is one bedtime story from you to make her sleep like a baby."

"Why don't you read her a bedtime story?" asked Shu.

"I'm terrible at telling stories," said (Y/N). "I sound too much like a robot when I read stories."

"Look, I know what you're thinking," said Shu. "You're not a bad mother. You have raised our daughter amazingly. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise."

(Y/N) smiled. "Thanks Shu," she said. "That means a lot to me."

"Well, today's my day off, so how about we go out on a date while Keisha's at preschool?"

(Y/N)'s eyes lit up. "I would love that very much."

(Shu's POV)

(Y/N) and I had a great day. We got ice cream, went window shopping (with me secretly buying my wife a romance novel she had her eye on for her upcoming birthday) and just chatted at the park.

Now we were on our way to pick Keisha up from preschool. (Y/N) looked really happy.

"Thanks for the date," she said. "I haven't enjoyed myself this much for a long time."

I smiled at her. She still was the same girl I had fallen in love with ten years ago. But I couldn't just stare at her all day, as much as I want to. I must keep my eyes on the road.

Just then, it happened. It happened so fast that my brain didn't have enough time to process the information. Another car suddenly swerved in front of us. I quickly shielded (Y/N) as we crashed.

(Y/N)'s POV

I could hear people talking. But I couldn't open my eyes. "Shu," I said. Where was he?

Later, I felt someone carrying me. "Shu?" I asked.

"What's your name?" I heard an unfamiliar voice ask.

"My name is (Y/N) Kurenai," I said. "Where's my husband?"

"We're getting him out now," said the voice. That was the last thing I remember before darkness consumed me again.

The next time I woke up, I found myself lying in a white bed. For a moment, I wondered how on earth I had ended up there. Then the memories came back to me.

"Shu!" I yelled. I tried to sit up, but a jolt of pain forced me to lie back down. What had happened while I was unconscious? I pressed the button to call the nurse.

Then I saw my best friend with Keisha. My daughter ran to me with tears in her eyes. "Mommy!" she cried. "Don't die!"

"I'm not dying," I told her. Sure, I was in a lot of pain, but the nurse told me that I would heal eventually.

After the nurse left, I asked my best friend about Shu. She looked uncomfortable. "He's... Still unconscious. He was hurt really badly."

"How bad is it?"

"I... I don't know if he will make it."

My heart almost stopped. "No," I whispered.

The next week was the worst week of my life. I had heard that Shu had fallen into a coma. Keisha was staying with Shu's best friend Valt Aoi. I couldn't stop thinking about Shu. I remembered how he had shielded me when we crashed.

I don't know what happened to the driver of the car that hit us, but that didn't matter to me. All I could think about was the love of my life trapped in a state between life and death.

I was discharged from the hospital after one week. I had to use crutches because of my remaining injuries. But none of them hurt as much as my heart.

"Is Daddy going to die?" Keisha asked me with tears in her eyes.

"No, he's not," I said, but even I wasn't convinced.

I saw Shu hooked up to a life support machine. I wanted to throw up.

I felt so helpless. It was awful watching your lover like this.

I sat down next to him. "Shu, I don't know if you can hear me, but it's me, (Y/N). Please don't die on me. I need you. Our daughter needs you. We can't lose you. Not so soon."

I fell into a deep depression. Keisha was also depressed. Not the suicidal type of depression, but the not-being-interested-in-anything type.

Everyone told us how sorry they were about what had happened. I appreciate the concern, but I just feel so sad.

I was losing hope. I was terrified of losing Shu, but I had to keep a strong facade for our daughter.

One night, Keisha was refusing to sleep, as usual. But instead of jumping up and down on the bed, she was looking up at the ceiling mournfully.

"Please go to sleep," I begged.

"Don't want to," said Keisha mournfully. "I am not sleeping until Daddy comes back home."

"Daddy would want you to sleep," I said.

Just then, Shu's voice came into my head. "Read her a bedtime story," it said.

"How about I tell you a story?" I asked. "About how Daddy and I met?"

No one's POV

Keisha sat up in bed. "Yes please," she said.

(Y/N) took a deep breath. "Years ago, when I started in college, Daddy and I ended up in the same class. At first, we were just friends. We had a lot in common. We both liked cooking and enjoyed Disney movies.

"After our graduation, Daddy brought me to a lovely cherry blossom garden. It reminded Daddy of his home country. We had a lovely picnic there, and at the end, Daddy asked me to marry him. And I said yes, for I had fallen deeply in love with him."

(Y/N) smiled. "We had a beautiful fairytale wedding. I love him so much." She looked at Keisha, who had fallen asleep. She kissed her daughter on her forehead.

"And I love you," she said.

Just then, (Y/N)'s phone rang. She answered it. "Hello?"

What she heard made her smile. "No way, are you serious? OMG, this is the best news ever!"

Keisha woke up. "What?" she asked sleepily.

(Y/N) swung her in the air. "Daddy's awake! He's going to be okay!"

Keisha woke up completely. "Best news ever!"

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