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The day of their departure finally arrived. Tsuna and his classmates are currently riding one of the limos that apparently Vongola owned. His classmates kept teasing him about going out of the country for the first time, and, stopped when Gokudera said one of his secrets.

"Tenth's father is an Italian, for pete's sake! And he always go with him when he's father's going to Italy! So stop pestering our boss or I will blow you up using my dynamites!" Gokudera said as he lighted his dynamites.

'And now, they will make a big fuss about it.' Tsuna thought.

Seeing that his Storm Guardian is really pissed and about to blow their classmates away, he stood up from his spot and tried to stop him. His classmates are staring at him with disbelief and shock.

'Dame-Tsuna's father is an Italian?! No way!'  they all thought.

"Yes, way. Now that you know that, then you are the ones to have a first time out of the country, then. Shame." Reborn said as Reboyama.

"Reborn! You're there?!" Tsuna said as he jaw dropped.

"Chaos." Reborn sent a sly smirk at Tsuna's and his Guardians' direction.

"Reboyama-sensei! H-how d-did you get in here? I mean, y-you're talking to s-someone outside b-before." Nezu said while he trembled in fear of 'Reboyama-sensei' knowing that he allow his other students to tease Tsuna like that. And the fact that he helps bullying Tsuna doesn't help at all.

Reborn just smirked at him which sent shivers down to his spine. "Oh, I'm here since from the start of this trip. Surprised?" Reborn said mischievously.

"N-not at a-all. C-class, stop teasing Da- Tsuna. H-he doesn't d-deserve that." Nezu stuttered out giving the whole class a meaningful look.

The class, finally getting what he meant just shut their mouths and pretended to sleep but in reality, they are listening to the conversation that Tsuna and his guardians have.

"So, Tsuna. Now that they are asleep, what are we, especially you, will do when we're at Italy? I mean, you have your paper works, right? And we have missions too." Yamamoto said.

'What missions?' The pretending class thought in curiosity.

"Yeah I know that. It's just that I really wonder, why did Grandpa approved this? I'm sure that there's more than him wanting to meet our classmates right?" Tsuna said in his 'Boss mode' that made the 'pretending-to-be-asleep-class' wonder if this is really Dame-Tsuna that is talking.

"Sigh. Well then, let's just go with the flow. I know that Reborn will do something to us when we interfere with his plans. I seriously don't want to go in a training again." Tsuna said while he shuddered at the memory of Reborn tortu- tutoring him.

"Sigh. I just wish that this trip will be okay. And by the way, minna.-" Tsuna stopped talking and his body is suddenly releasing a major killing intent that made the 'pretending-to-be-asleep-class' shiver. "Don't destroy the mansion. I don't need more paper works. And I'm going to be busier than usual, considering that we have to plan something about them."

'Them?' the whole class, then again thought.

His Guardians nodded their head furiously (except Hibari and Mukuro who just looked away) while Gokudera kept saying sorry about making tons of paper works when his at his mission.

The whole class just became more suspicious of them. 'What are they talking about? We need to know it.' And so, the flight to Italy started with a suspicious discussion.


Reborn, on the other hand, nodded towards Fran and Mammon who is currently hiding in the shadows and left.

If you're wondering, what he just did there? Well then, let me tell you.


Reborn, who is currently standing outside the mansion of Varia sighed. He shook his head and continued on going inside. As he expected, there are no guards here. Why would they put guards here if the ones living here is more than enough to defeat a battalion of soldiers?

And besides, he knows that Mammon will throw a fit about spending money to pay those 'incompetent low lives', Mammon's words, not his.

He went straight to the meeting room there and he met there the whole Varia, present.

Mammon, as usual is floating. Ever since he came back to being adult, Mammon insisted on floating, as he cannot seem to get use to his old weight again. He said that it bothers him.

Bel he kept on pestering their Captain. Squalo, is glaring at Bel and cursing him because he's getting annoyed already. Levi is sitting at quietly and keeping an eye to everyone, he don't want his boss to be stressed. Lussuria is just smiling at his sit. Xanxus is just drinking his wine. And lastly, Fran's just making illusions at the table not minding anyone. Everyone stopped on what they are doing and looked at him.

"To get this straight, I just need Fran and Mammon. Don't worry Mammon, this ain't for free. I'll pay you. In cash. "

The two walked with him or in Mammon's case, floating.

"Look, I just need you to mess Tsuna's Hyper Intuition while he and his guardians are talking. Is that okay?" he said not even bothering to look at them. The two nodded.

This is easy. Now, I just need the whole class to listen at their meeting. Reborn thought and walked away.

Flashback Ends———

So that's why Tsuna didn't noticed that his classmates are truly awake.

Reborn smirked and grasped his fedora to lower it further.

As I said, I will be the one to make twists at the plot of this trip.' He thought and smirked again.

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