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Tsuna felt as if someone is watching them and so, he looked at the lab door to see maids and staffs looking at them with hearts on their eyes. Tsuna fixed himself and sighed, for he's lab coat is currently being soaked with different chemicals. 'Credits to Lambo. Now I look like a walking canvas.'

He looked at the Vongola staffs and asked them, "Ah, eto, what are you doing here, minna?" he asked, uncertain about the situation they are in right now.

A maid answered him immediately, "Decimo! We're just really moved by your brotherly bonding! And-and how you helped Lambo-sama at his school works! Kyaa!~" she squealed as the other remaining staffs joined her.

Tsuna looked at Lambo, who's busy adding chemicals to chemicals, not minding the crowd and noise at all.

Tsuna looked at Lambo and the crowd back and forth, wondering how can Lambo work in such noise and made a weird, confused face. Seeing his new expression, the already wild crowd grew wilder.

'What the heck?' was the only thought that Tsuna has as he then continued on helping Lambo at his work, copying Lambo and ignored the mess at the lab door.


After their research, Tsuna and Lambo went to clean themselves as they prepared for dinner. This time though, Tsuna will be the one to sit at the boss chair. Nobody will ask him stupid things about him knowing the Vongola anymore. What a relief.

When everyone finally arrived from their trips, Tsuna then started eating, not even glancing a his classmates' curious glances towards him. He's already quite fed up about all of the stress that his classmates did. Dealing with them is harder than he thought.

They ate their dinner quietly, with only a little bit of discussions and small talks between themselves. After all, there's no topic that will actually entertain or interest them.

Yamamoto, finally ticked off as he cannot handle the awkward atmosphere enveloping them, at all. "Ah you know guys, you can start any conversations you want. Tsuna will not eat us, you know?" he said loudly, making it clear that his sentence wad directed to the students completely.

As they're half way through their meal, the warning bell suddenly rang, alerting everyone at the HQ.

'Warning, warning. Intruders at the West Wing. Intruders at the West Wing. Emergency level: 3'

The Vongola staffs and Guardians then jumped int action.

"Minna, please go to the exit calmly. Please do not panic!" Yamamoto shouted to the students as he led them to the safe room.

'I knew that they are going to attack soon, but not this soon!' Tsuna slapped himself in his head. 'So stupid!'

"Everyone! Prepare for combat! Mukuro and Chrome, go and guard the East Wing! Gokudera and Lambo, guard the South! Hibari-san, please guard the North... and I will be the one to eliminate the intruders at the West side. Ryohei nii-san, please tend to the injured!" Tsuna ordered them.

"Hai!" the Guardians chorused.

"We're not going the enemies succeed! Let's go!" Tsuna said one last time as he went to his HWDM and flew to his said route without taking a second to waste.

Minutes later, the Guardians went to do their announced tasks, trusting themselves that they will defeat the unknown enemy, no matter what. Not long after, the warning bell sounded again alarming everyone the second time around. This time though, they stopped and listened.

"Intruders at the North side. Intruders at the North side. Emergency level: 4"

That's Hibari's route.


As Hibari approached his destination, what he saw was a big mess. And Hibari despise mess. Not letting his guard down, he was attacked mercilessly by the enemies, not even letting him equip his tonfas out.

After a while, he finally managed to take his weapons out of his jacket as he payed the enemies back, by biting them to death.

He quickly went to beat up the enemies, easily defeating them, for Hibari is in a different level than they are.

He saw their badges and confirmed that the enemies are from Scott Famiglia.

'Those bastards.' he thought in rage.

They attacked his family and made a mess! 'They are going for this!' 

After finishing another easy opponent, he heard him speak. "Our masters are on their way. We waited very long for this day. We looked forward to this. the day that Vongola will fall. This battle will only truly begin when our masters get here." The man said as he finally closed his eyes.

'So they are serving may bosses then? How come? I heard that they only have one boss like the other mafia families.' he released all of his frustrations by defeating one opponent after another. 'Damn it.'

'Does herbivore knows this?' His mind said as his eyes went wide.

Cliffhanger! Haha, well, wait for the next chapter! See you there again!

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