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Gokudera and Lambo are currently on stand by at their said position.

"Geez, out of all people, why is it that I'm partnered up with you? Yawn~" Lambo whispered to Gokudera lazily as he yawned in complete boredom.

"Teme! What are you trying to say, you bastard?!" Gokudera shouted back angrily.

"You know that teme and bastard is the same, right? You're redundant." Lambo replied at him bluntly, staring at the gate in front of them blankly.

"Tch. Stupid cow." Gokudera could only sigh in annoyance.

Minutes later, they're still waiting for something to happen. Although they could practically hear the shouts, screams and battle cries from a far. Mainly because for these past few minutes, none of them spoke a single word or tried to start a conversation, which is really unusual for the duo. Normally, they would always shout curses or insults towards each other. But not today. They're definitely not in the mood. The two of them are too tense to even utter a word.

Because they are worried.

What if this is a trap? What if the enemy famiglia has another goal? What if the enemies already won? There are so many what if's and possibilities.

Yes, they are confident about their power. They're confident that they are powerful enough to defeat the enemy. They're confident that they will win this battle. They faced many wars before and they won. This time is nothing new. But they did lose once. In the future, against the Mare Sky Ring holder, Byakuran.

Even though they defeated him, the 'them' in the future is different. The 'them' in the future lost. And because of that fact, they're always restless when times like this comes up all of the sudden. They are restless because in every battle, there is the possibility of losing. And the future Vongola Famiglia prided themselves too much at the fact that they are undefeatable, which is why they never saw the attack from the Gesso Famiglia coming. Because they are too proud to even pay it attention. 

"Damn, I'm too tense. Stupid Cow, stay here. I need to cool down a bit. Going somewhere. Guard this shitty door, 'kay?" Gokudera said as he walked away, his hands in his pockets, a little bit shaking.

His face showed an annoyed smile as he mentally beat up himself. 'Fuck, I hate myself. If I can't at least do this, then how could I protect Tenth?' He thought as he chuckled at himself and disappeared from sight.

Lambo looked at his retreating back and sighed. "Tch. Ahodera." As he leaned his back against the wall behind him. "You better hurry, I don't like waiting." And closed his eyes but still alert.

Minutes later, he heard footsteps. By the sound of it, it belongs to only one person.

"Ahodera, back already?" He asked as he cracked an eye open.

But the figure didn't answer him back which made Lambo bolt up from his comfortable position.

The figure is getting nearer. "You're definitely not Ahodera. State your name and business."

"My, my, Vongola Lightning Gurdian, Bovino Lambo. Fancy meeting you in such a place." The man replied in a cold voice that made Lambo sweat in tension.

"Huh. Didn't know that I'm that famous. For a person like you to know me. But hey, don't you think its a little unfair? You know me, yet I don't know you. Mind saying your name first?" Lambo said with a confident face.

'Damn, Ahodera sure is taking his sweet time.' He thought as he continued on observing his opponent's next move.

"Hm, your right. Alright, I decided. Since your going to die now, anyway. My name is Tsubasa. What a nice name, huh?" 'Tsubasa' replied.

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