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With Tsuna and the others~

"Hey brat, do we really need to wait for the two of them? Honestly, I'm getting bored already." Belphagor said as he looked at Tsuna with bored eyes and continued on playing with his favorite target, Fran. He continuously throw knives at Fran's hat, completely ignoring his whines.

"Bel-senpai, that hurts."

"You know Bel, I just came up with this now. You and Fran do fit together. Are you two dating or something?" Tsuna asked the two while wearing an innocent look on his face.

The two of them blushed at the same time, though you can faintly see it in Fran's case.

"O-oi, Brat! Stop saying nonsense, will you?!" Bel stuttered out as his face turned to a tomato color.

"So you two are really dating!" Tsuna said as he continued on teasing the new found couple.

"Bel! Fran! How could you hide this matter from us?!" Lussuria said as he sulked at a corner. On the other hand, Levi started to scold the two of them about 'not trusting them enough' topic.

"Ah, about that. Bel-senpai instructed me to keep this as a secret 'cause he said that this information is not essential to Varia." Fran said as his face is still it's usual poker face.

"O-oi Fran! I never said something like that!" Bel argued.

"Liar." The others replied when they turned to his way.

"Bel-chan, Fran-chan. Never keep this kind of matters as a secret. Varia is our family, after all." Lussuria said sternly.

"Setting that aside, for how long are you two dating already?" Levi asked.

"Seven months." The two of them talked at the same time.

"Now, that's why. I was confused of not finding Fran at his room just last night. I mean, Fran never go out of his room when he doesn't feel like it. It's really surprising." Lussuria said as he looked at the two latter with a teasing face and mischievous eyes.

"H-hey! It's not what you think, I promise!" Bel tried to reason out.

"Sure, sure. It's not like 'that'." All of them said, clearly not believing Bel's excuse.

"Hoi! I'm saying the truth here!"

Tsuna looked at the Varia for a little while, as realization dawned into him. "Hey, where's Mammon?" He asked, confused.

"Ah, Mammon-chan went to a secret mission with CEDEF's Colonello." Lussuria replied, as if he was some kind of reporter.

"Huh, two Arcobalenos for a mission? That's interesting."

Time passed by, yet the two Varia officers is still nowhere in sight. This made the others annoyed at them and at the same time, bored.

Finally, Bel can't handle the awkward silence and decided to break it.

"Fudge this! Where the heck are they!? Don't they know that they are wasting our precious time?!" He shouted as he slammed his hands at his chair, out of the blue making the others flinch in surprise. The others turned to him with same expressions. Annoyed.

"Dammit Bel! Will you stop f*cking doing that?! It's damn annoying!" Levi said as he glared at Bel with so much irritation.

"Trashes, what are you doing? Don't make any noise. This is not our goddamn mansion." Somebody talked behind them.

They turned and saw Xanxus and Squalo at the opening of the garden, walking hand in hand.

"Ushishishi~ You should not make the Prince waiting you know?~" Bel said in a sing-song voice, but you could hear his voice laced with anger.

"Voi! So what is it, that you want to discuss about?"

"Shall we start?"

"Without your Guardians?" Xanxus clarified.

"They already know about it." Tsuna said as he took his seat.

"Well.... the situation is kinda confusing. It's like this...." And the whole group started the meeting.

After an hour of meeting, the group finally decided to make the Varia live with Tsuna and his family.

"Hello there, minna-san! If you're wondering about who is this group here, then they are called Varia. They are the independent assasin squad of Vongola. They are top class assassins, might I add, so I would definitely recommend to not mess with them . And I hope that you guys would treat them well! After all, they are all impatient and hot headed people." Tsuna introduced the group to his classmates.

"Oh! I forgot to tell you that they will be your new teachers, too!" He added cheerfully while the students paled. The Varia only smirked at their reaction.

Xanxus took a step forward. "Xanxus. I'm the leader of the Varia and I'm a sky flame user." He said. As a proof, he lighted his ring with sky flames. ( In the manga, Mammon asked Talbot to make rings exclusive only for Varia.) "And I can also use my own flames. The flame of wrath." He continued and lighted his hands with it. He then took a step back and sat at his chair that came out of who-knows-where.

"Voiii! Name's Squalo. I'm the Sword Emperor. My flame is rain." With that, he ended his introduction.

"Ushishishi~ My name is Belphagor. I'm a prince. A true prince. Now, bow down to me you peasants!" Bel shouted  while extending his hands dramatically in the air before getting hit at the back of his head by Fran.

"Senpai, you promised that you'll stop doing that. They're not your people so they won't bow to you." Fran said a little irritated.




"Now continue your introduction."

"Okay... You can just call me Bel. Be grateful that I allowed you to call me that. Flame is storm." He said back to his usual cocky attitude.

"Hello there. I'm Fran. I'm one of the greatest illusionist out there. My flame is mist. Nice meeting you~" Fran said and yawned at the end.

"Waah!~ My name is Lussuria~ My flame is sun~" Lussuria said and smiled at the students sending a few winks here and there, with Bel muttering something about 'Peacocks being too damn annoying'

"My name is Levi. I'm the right hand man of Boss Xanxus. My flame is lightning." He said and took his place beside Xanxus' chair.

"Ah! By the way guys, they also have another member. Name is Mammon. Mammon is not available today, so yeah. His flame is mist. Also, he's a part of the Arcobalenos. I'm sure you already heard of them. They are the strongest people on this era. Reborn's also one of them. there are 7 Arcobalenos in total and the are really powerful! Seriously!" (Well, technically Ex- Arcobaleno.) "And.... they do not have a cloud guardian. So, there."

"They are Varia and they will stay and live with us for a month or so! Let's all get along!" Tsuna ended the dinner/speech with a warm smile.

Reborn on the other hand and the others are smirking.

'What are you planning Tsuna?" They all thought and looked at the mob of students.

Sorry of you guys are not satisfied with it. Also, sorry for updating slowly. Hope you guys forgive me. My reason is a bit personal, so yeah. Hope you like this chapter! See you on the next one!

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