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3rd Person's POV

Luckily, Tsuna and his Guardians arrived while the class is asleep. They don't want the class to be suspicious and so, they went straight to their rooms. The whole class shared a spacious room 'cause Reborn said that if they are together, then it will be easier to torture them.


The day started peacefully. Too peaceful that Tsuna became suspicious of what Reborn planned. He expected that there will be screams of terror from his classmates early in the morning that's why he slept with his headphones on.

He walked through the hallways with ease as he practically know the place like the back of his hands. He's going to the dining room 'cause he ordered the maids to stop spoiling him with their formalities.

When he finally reached his destination,  he opened the door which looks like Gokudera is about to open it too from the other side. Gokudera quickly bowed at him and went to the right side of the table together with Mukuro and Hibari, and you could see them bumping their elbows purposely to the other's with a glare. Yamamoto is sitting at the left side with Chrome and Lambo. He sat at the top end of the table, where the boss usually sits. He scanned the table and saw that most of his classmates have bruises at their heads.

He can't take the heavy atmosphere anymore and so, he burst out laughing. His Guardians looked at him and smiled while his classmates glared at him. After having his fits of laughter, he gasped and tried to catch his breath. The Gurdians then laughed at him while he just glared at them. After all of it, Tsuna turned and looked at his classmates.

"Why do you have those bruises?" His statement made the whole class glare at him. (Of course except his Family)

"It's not our fault that we got lost and we don't know that there are many traps in the hallway!" Mochida snapped at him and the class nodded in agreement.

Tsuna looked confused at this and tilted his head side ways making the class blush. Tsuna, being dense is obviously lost. As far as he know, there are no traps at the mansion except for the passwords for selected and authorized rooms, never on hallways. Vongola is not childish enough to make those pathetic traps.

"Eh? There's no traps here. Nobody in this mansion would do that." Tsuna said making the class suspicious.

"How would you know that, then? And how come you're not in the same room as us when we woke up? And lastly, why are you sitting at that chair? That's only for the boss!" Kensuke, a bully of Tsuna and also the top two of their class.

Tsuna doesn't know how to answer the questions, just stood up from his seat and sat between Chrome and Yamamoto and kept quite. He felt the stares but just offered them silence. Soon enough, Vongola Nono stepped in and Tsuna's eyes widened.

'Nobody told me about this! If Grandpa is here, then why am I signing those damn paper works?!'

Nono saw this and just smiled at Tsuna. Nono then sat at the seat that Tsuna previously owned.

"Hello, class of my Grandson. Welcome to our humble home. I'm Vongolo Nono, nice meeting you all." He said and smiled gently towards them.

"Then let me introduce myself to you, Vongola Nono, as a sense of gratitude. I'm Nezu, the adviser of the class."

Nono smirked unnoticeable to the others, but Tsuna, knowing Nono for a long time now, noticed it.

'So he's the teacher that loves bullying my cute Grandson. Mwaha, you'll suffer.' Nono said in his mind.

"But, Nono, where's Decimo? Reboyama-sensei said that Decimo is here." Nezu said in his annoying voice.

"Ah, about that. He's  here, you know? In all actuality, his one of your students." Nono said internally smirking.

"What?! He's my student?!" Nezu looked at Nono in disbelief and shock.

'Grandpa! Stop it already!' Tsuna screamed mentally. Nono looked at him and Tsuna gave him a pleading look.

"Ah. That's all I can say for now. But here's a tip, you may underestimating him, but, he's one of the greatest kid I'd ever known." Nono said as he started eating.

#########Time Lapse######

After breakfast, the class took a quick tour so that, they will not be lost again. After that, they went to the training room to look for Reborn 'cause he have their schedules with him.

As the class entered the room, all they saw surprised them. Tsuna's Guardians are all training with their weapons and boxes out. Also, they are all using their flames. Tsuna mentally fainted as he saw this.

'So that's why Reborn called us here! For the class to know that they are my Gurdians!'

Reborn then appeared out of nowhere and smirked at him as if reading his thoughts.

"Chaos, minna. Today, you will know the true nature or the true Vongola. They are way more something than being the richest company in the world. So everyone, please take your seats and your teachers for today will be Decimo's Guardians." Reboen said as chairs all appeared magically.

After that, Gokudera and the others smirked and turned over.

Tsukuyama, the class representative, raise her hand.

"Why is that, that Gokudera-san and them will be teaching us? I mean, they are just like us. And where are Decimo's Guardians?" she asked with one breath. Tsuna and his Guardians sweat dropped. 'She can hold her breath like that?' they all thought.

"Ah, about that. To answer your questions, first of all they are not normal like you. As you saw before, they have powers or flames. Also, they are Decimo's Guardians. Decimo can't be here for the time being 'cause he has something to do." Reborn said, also in one breath. Again, Tsuna and the others sweat dropped. 'He can do that too?' they all thought. Reborn looked at them with, of course-I-can-do-that face.

"Enough questions. Gokudera is the Storm, Yamamoto is Rain, Mukuro and Chrome are the Mist, Kyoya is the Cloud, Ryohei is the Sun and lastly, Lambo is the Lighting." As Reborn introduced them, they all smirked and the class shivered.

After that, the Guardians told them about the Mafia, Vongola Family, boxes, flames, the allied families and so on.

After their class, Gokudera and the others opened their box weapons and lit their rings.

"Now, in order for you to survive, you need to know how to defend yourself and other offensive moves." Yamamoto said as he grouped them into 6.

Tsuna is the only one left and so, the class looked at him.

"Dame-Tsuna, you should learn how to defend yourself, if you don't wanna die. But then again, you're a Dame. You can't do anything right." Moshi said. Moshi is also a bully of Tsuna.

The Guardians looked at him, pissed. They gave Mukuro a meaningful look and Mukuro just materialized his trident. The Guardians looked at Moshi and smirked, 'Ah, you're going to suffer.'

Reborn then took Tsuna dragging him along as he carried Tsuna on his shoulder. "I will be the one to train him" Reborn said as they left.

Tsuna looked at his Guardians with a pleading face but they just shook their heads. As much as they wanted to help, they still acknowledge Reborn as the World's Greatest Hitman.

The Guardians looked at the class and released a murderous aura.

Let's just say that the class, first time in their lifetime, saw hell with the Guardians as the demons.

The maids and staffs at the Vongola HQ smirked when they heard screams of terror. 'That's what you get for bullying our beloved boss.' they thought and went back to what they are doing.


Sorry for the late update. My cellphone is missing so, it's more difficult to update these days. Good thin, I still have my netbook. Thanks for reading. Please leave a comment about it and bye!

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