Extra Chapter: Arcobaleno Summer (Part 3)

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It seems that even though the Arcobaleno, with every fiber of their being, are doing their very best to avoid unnecessary conflicts or misunderstandings, trouble still comes in their way. Now don't get them wrong, of course they didn't announce to the whole mafia world that they cannot be disturbed, but nonetheless sudden attacks on them are annoying.

Apparently, some idiot of a family thought that if they can defeat or at least capture one of the I Prescelti Sette, then they would be instant celebrities in the underground business. Now, that idea is more stupid than bringing the world's strongests (I know it's not really a word, but hey, I need to describe :D) together.

"Verde! To your right! Right not left dang it, I thought you're supposed to be smart!" Colonello yelled at the bespectacled man, while dodging a kick sent towards him by one of the enemies.

"Oh really?! You yourself is about to get killed, idiot!" Skull shouted as he made a move to activate his flames and send it towards a man in black that is about to stab Colonello at his back.

"Guys stop the bantering! Save it for after this!" Fon shouted at them as he helped Viper send a group of their enemies into a black abyss, courtesy of Viper.

Reborn just looked at them annoyed, and just tsked. He then leveled his eyes to the dead bodies around him with bullets planted at the center of their heads. 

Now, of course they were initially formed to be a group of highly elite underground (mafia) members that are sent to take care of things like assassination and there's the constant hits, but give them a break, that was decades ago. And these past years they're just working in some light missions that is interesting enough for them, like information-gathering and spying, so maybe, yes, they are out of cooperation. Or teamwork for that matter.

"This isn't going to work." Reborn stated flatly.

"Wow, thank you for stating the obvious, Captain Sherlock." replied Viper as he ducked his head from a knife.

"Captain? Sherlock isn't a captain." Verde commented, as his green flames continued on burning the ground around him.

"I like him better as a captain, so shut the fuck up, Verde. I do what I want. I'm a free citizen of a free country." Viper replied sourly. 

"Viper's not in the mood. What happened?" Fon asked calmly, as he sidestepped from a kick to his stomach.

"When is Viper ever in the mood anyway?" Skull, as he threw one of the enemies to the ground and promptly shoot his flames towards the body.

"Too true."

"Hey, Skull! That's too unmerciful, kora!" Colonello said as he saw what Skull did to the body.

"Whatever. Hypocrite." Skull just rolled his eyes.

Seeing that their futile attempt of a teamwork isn't really effective, they just then focused on their own and quickly defeated foe after foe as if they're all a mere fly.

Skull, with his flame dancing around him, eyes shining vibrant violet, defeating those who stand in his way with a flick of his hand. He may be a coward at times, but when feeling threatened, his cloud features just get the better of him. And when a cloud starts to move, nobody can stop them.

Fon, eyes hard, with his legendary martial arts mixed with flame, slithering his way to the battleground. Everything around him seems to blur, just like a violent storm.

Viper with his terrifying illusions as he sent those who are near him into insanity. He may not get any money from this, but damn, no one gets away sane and stays sane when he is mad.

Verde with his calculating eyes and quick movements, stood in his ground and burned those who are near him with his green lightnings.

Colonello with his soldier-trained eyes, watching the fight rage on, just like a hawk, and with his gun, made shot after shot as the bullets changed from normal to a blue blur in the battleground.

And Reborn who's just standing coolly, two pistols at his hands and just seemingly made shot after shot at random but every now and then, someone within his vicinity drops dead. His eyes are cold and unforgiving, merciless against his enemies.

Together, fighting like this, made them remember of the old times when they are still just a group of elites sent for work. 

Checkerface once told them before that together, just like this, like now, even without the expected teamwork from them, they are still a sight to behold. To admire. A sight that you will only see, once you're on the front lines with them, risking your life. They are a sight that is terrifyingly beautiful.

Blood stained their clothes, even their face, yet no one made a move to wipe them off. No words were uttered by anyone, just a occasional scream of pain or a battle cry are heard throughout the field, but no one uttered a single word. No words needs to be exchanged in this.

As the last of the men in black dropped to the ground, dyeing the ground around him red, the world around them seemed like it immediately came into focus again. In their eyes, they can process everything again, now that the fight ended with some adrenaline running through their veins.

As their nerves began to calm down, they heard silent footsteps heading their way, and they all became alert again.

Activating each of their flames and making their auras bigger, more threatening and powerful, they gave whoever that are approaching a silent warning; Don't go near us or we'll kill you.

Nevertheless, the footsteps just became closer and closer, and they all looked at where the sound is coming from, all of their eyes cold. No one, as in NO ONE messes with the Arcobaleno, and gets away unscathed.

They are not the Strongest Seven for no reason after all.

And out in the shadows, came Uni and the Vongolas. They took one look at the scene in front of them, and their breath hitched.


Yo! Not the kind of chapter you're expecting? Lol, this idea just struck me like a lightning, and I just really have to type it down. So anyway, CLIFFHANGER people! Hope you guys like it! Peace out! -4213MusicLover

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