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The first week with the Varia went by..... painfully slow. With the assassin squad at the mansion, the students became more and more careful on their surroundings, (Which really helped them a lot, said by the Guardians) and became more and more aware about the 'mafia' thing.


It was a very fine Sunday morning for everybody at Vongola HQ. Its mainly because the students now knows about how to protect themselves and a few offensive moves. Day by day, their skills and techniques are improving gradually.

Everybody at the mansion woke up peace. This day is their day-off and so, there is no training today. They can enjoy themselves as much as they want with or they can tour the Italy for a day. Reborn also announced that everybody will get to relax, (Even the maids and butlers and well, the Guardians and Tsuna) much to Tsuna's  relief. Sunday is the only day that he could somehow rest, even though it means that there will be a mountain stock of paper works tomorrow.

Our young Decimo is just fooling and lazing around his room, back to his 'dame' self. After all, he can't do this on other days, considering the fact that he doesn't even get a sleep wink because of the petrifying, horrifying and terrifying thing called, paper works. He blames all of his suffering at the inventor of the papers. Because in the first place, if he haven't thought of inventing it, then paper works would't exist at all.

Suddenly the door to his room suddenly opened revealing Lambo, looking extremely nervous for some reason. (Lambo is 9 years old already.) 

"Uh, eto, Tsuna-nii, could you help me out a bit for my home works? The others all refused to help, saying that this is supposedly their day-off, so I just let them." He said as he looked at the other side, meaning that he really doesn't want to bother Tsuna at all.

"Sorry if it troubles you, but I just really need a partner for this. Please Tsuna-nii, I know that its your day-off today, but please help me out!" Lambo said as he looked at Tsuna with an adorable expression that Tsuna cannot resist. Not that he will refuse, anyway.

Tsuna smiled warmly at him, and Lambo's eyes got a little wide and one could see the imaginary sparkles in them. "Of course. No need to ask me like that again." he said as he stood up from his bed.

"Now, what is it that you need my help for?" he asked the smaller male.

"Ah, you see Tsuna-nii, I have to do this experiment for my research project, and I need someone's assistance to do so. Its relatively simple, but I just need a helping hand for some procedures." he explained thoroughly while waving his hand around, and Tsuna can't help but adore Lambo as his little brother.

Tsuna smiled at him as he ruffled his hair. "No need to be nervous around me Lambo. I don't bite." he said as he opened the door for the two of them.

"Okay then. Let's go to the lab and start your experiment!" Tsuna replied to the younger male. 

"Hai! Let's get going then, Tsuna-nii!" Lambo said as he replied gleefully.

The two of them laughed and started to walk.


The two of them then spent the morning helping each other on their tasks for Lambo's research. Some of the members of Varia, Tsuna's Guardians and staffs saw them and will just smile at the two latter. 

It actually looks like they were goofing around, rather then to focus at the research.

'They really do act like brothers.' The people that are passing by will always thought as they watched as the two of them laugh at each other's mistake and fool around.


Unknown to them, an evil force is watching the Vongola Family from a far, planning for their defeat.

"Yes, that's right. Enjoy and fulfill your life as much as you want, for you're time will end soon. See you next time, Vongola Decimo. Because soon is just around the corner."  a mysterious force said as he closed his lacrima. "Soon Decimo, soon."


Hello there, guys! Sorry if you find this chapter lame. Don't worry! Next chapter will have a little bit of action there! Bye!

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