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Tsuna was breathing heavily. His lungs are on fire. His breath was ragged and slow, and most of all, he was exhausted. He should have brought Hibari or Mukuro with him. His losing, losing badly.

One of the man in front of him cackled an evil laugh, "Give it up, Decimo! Can't you see that you're already losing? Your Guardians will have it more light than your punishment! Don't worry and just give up!"

Tsuna just grinned at them, and the man was taken aback. "Unfortunately, the word 'give up' is not on my vocabulary.

Tsuna then thought bitterly, 'Aww, is it my time already? Where's Reborn when you need him?'

At this time, Tsuna's sure that Reborn and the other Arcobalenos made it out alive. They need to guard Uni with their life. Uni is their boss, after all.

"Oh, come on, already Decimo. Resistance is futile. Just concede your defeat, let us kill you, destroy Vongola and that's it." One of them shouted at him, completely mocking him, though its not really effective at Decimo.

"Heh, that'll never happen." Is his only reply, making them attack him again, not holding back anymore.


Tsuna made it to his destination, flying fast, his mind forming different tactics, yet, his heart calm.

When he finally landed, he willed himself to withdrew from his current state. His previous orange-sunset eyes returned to their normal caramel-brown, accepting eyes.

He scanned his surroundings, thanking that he has the Vongola Intuition.

He calmed his tired breath, noting that flying fast using his powers is never a good idea.

Relaxing himself, he thought of his Guardians, knowing that each and everyone of them is engaged in their own battles.

Suddenly, his intuition acted up, and he dodged a bullet swiftly.

"Oh yeah, Vongola's Intuition. I should have known that shooting that bullet is useless against Vongola Decimo." A voice said, and his voice ended up echoing in the whole room.

Tsuna quickly reacted, reaching for his bottle of medicine, popping one to his mouth, and switched to his Hyper Dying Will Mode.

"Show yourself. I have no intention of talking to thin air, nor attacking it." Tsuna announced at his calm, serious voice.

"Ah, Decimo. Be patient. We're going there. But save the fun things later. I want us to have a chat. You know, so we can get to know each other." The voice said again.

"And, oh Decimo. You could go back to your normal mode, you know? I promise that I won't attack you." The voice offered.

"Hm, no thanks. I'm more comfortable in this state. Thank you for offering." Tsuna replied at him, sitting on the cold, hard floor.

"If you say so~ Now, let's start, shall we?" The voice asked in a sing-song voice.

"Do the pleasure."

"Decimo, Decimo. What's your favorite food?"

"Do you seriously intend to start a conversation using questions like that?"

"Hahaha, of course not, Decimo. That was supposed to be a joke."

"Then I must say, its not funny in any way possible."

The voice said in an offended-hurt tone, "That was mean, Decimo."

"So? What is it that you want to talk about?" Tsuna asked in a kinda bored tone.

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