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Hibari and Reborn looked at the enemies, completely furious. They kept on blaming themselves for Tsuna's current state.

Hibari looked at Reborn. "Reborn-san, (Well, Reborn's in his adult form here, so Hibari doesn't call him 'Baby') I'll handle the rest of them. You go find the master mind and bury him 6 feet underground."

Reborn looked at him, annoyed. "Don't push your luck, brat. Don't order me around." Reborn said as he made his way out of the fight, knowing that he will still do the brat's suggestion at all.

Reborn adjusted his fedora and spoke again, out of Hibari's sight. "Damn brat, ordering me around. He better give them the beating or he'll be the one six feet below the ground."

He transformed Leon to his gun mode and picked a gun from the ground, probably owned by one of their fallen enemies, and looked at its remaining bullets, before reloading it. His eyes covered by the shadow of his fedora, but you could still see the dangerous glint on it.

"Now, time to find and kill the damn bastard who started all of this mess." Reborn said under his breath.


Hibari fought his opponents like some demon. He attacked them mercilessly, beating them as much as he could.

In no time, his enemies decreased by half, the remaining ones calling for back ups.

Before this, they already gave Tsuna to a passing Lambo, who's clearly shocked at the sight at the two of them, and Tsuna's condition. Not wanting to endanger Tsuna's life any more, the latter quickly ran from the battle ground, clearly stating the fact that being with the two demons- I mean, the two of them is not safe. The looks that two of them have gives you the very definition of 'run-while-you-still-can-before-I-kick-your-butt-and-send-you-to-Hades'.

Hibari knew that teaming up with Reborn is not like him, because he knew that the fedora man is also interested at him. But, as much as he want to be the savior of the day, he knew that Reborn is the one suited for the said job. He's not as strong as Reborn, after all.

His train of thoughts was stopped when he saw that he's once again surrounded by shitty fighters. He smirked at them, and was satisfied when he saw them shudder under his gaze.

'Now, let's start again.'

**************************************** LAMBO

Lambo run as fast as his legs could go. Whenever an enemy will pop out of nowhere, he will just open his Box Weapon and let it handle the mess. His Tsuna-nii is losing his blood while still unconscious, and that's bad.

He were just walking earlier, looking for that damn Gokudera when he happened to saw Reborn tending to Tsuna with Habari fighting like a demon that went berserk. (Hehe, just like Levi when he's fighting a titan.)

Finally reaching the infirmary, he saw Ryohei healing the injured, with Varia's Sun Guardian. As far as Lambo knows, the Varia already left, but Lussuria didn't want to go with them, so Tsuna said that its alright for him to stay at the mansion longer.

When Ryohei and Lussuria saw the two of them, they immediately rushed to their side, tripping a few times with their own feet.

They placed Tsuna on a private room, Ryohei healing him and examining his wounds. Lussuria and Lambo left them alone, knowing that Tsuna needs his rest. Lambo, on the other hand was accompanied by Lussuria to the infirmary, healing his scratches and bruises on the way.

Lussuria looked at Lambo, eating a candy. "You want to help at the infirmary?" He asked the slightly bored teen.

"Yeah, sure."

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