Art, my favourite subject for many reasons. The main reason is that it's the only lesson where I am free to let my feelings out with a paintbrush and paint on a canvas which nobody will give a shit about because it is called artwork.
Another reason is because Zara is in here and she has not a single clue on how to create a piece of work, that's why she always paints a black canvas with white dots on it. I mean it works.
But it's not the best when you have ten canvases of the night sky, and you have been repeatedly told to do something different and the answer is always there's a different amount of stars, they are not the same"
I'm pretty sure each one increases by five stars.
The task today is to make a splatter painting, I personally love these. We can use any colour we like, however many colours we'd like, and choose any size canvas.
My colours are red, white and black. The background is just black and splattered white onto the canvas followed by red. My plan is then to go over the dried paint in another colour and draw an outline of something I have not thought about yet.
"And another night sky, well done Jones." The teacher sighs in disappointment and I watch the blonde look up at the woman with a smile across her face. The kind of smile people pull when they are about to piss someone off.
"The stars are splattered, like what you told us to do. I believe if you look close enough you are able to see," She admits and she isn't wrong, "The same image with a different amount of stars splattered, not individually painted on like I usually do. So I am doing the work you set which means you can't shout at me since I am doing what you told us all to do."
"Get out." The woman spoke and Zara raised a brow, "Get out of my classroom immediately, you have no right to speak to me in that manner."
She stays seated and calmly washes her brushes and emptied the cup of water into the sink. She then reached to grab her bag and then walked out of the classroom, getting her phone out of her pocket in the process.
Everyone's attention moved away from her once the girl walked out and once the teacher returned to her seat.
I finish splattering the paint onto the canvas and then picked up a piece of paper as I started thinking about what design I could use. Flowers? Too simple and common. Animals? Doesn't exactly fit the rest of the image.
An idea came to mind so I started to draw out a woman's body using one line, just the back on the side followed by a face so it looks like she is looking over her shoulder. As expected, this took quite some time just around fifteen minutes to complete one I liked, now it was time to do this with paint instead of a pen.
I picked up the small bristled brush which would make the fine line and then dipped the tip into a small amount of blue paint before carefully drawing out the figure.
This took five minutes which I am proud of.
As soon as the brush left the canvas, I let out a sigh of relief and look at the clock on the wall, ten minutes remaining. Others are just about finishing their pieces of work and the teacher is walking around the classroom looking at them. When she reaches mine, she smiles.
"Not bad Noa, what made you think of this?" She asks me and I think for a few seconds.
"I wanted to try something new," I respond and she hums as her eyes study the painting.
"Interesting," She whispers under her breath before walking away to the next person.
I take the paint brushes, the pallet, and the cup of dirty water over to the sink and wash everything clean and put them on the side with the others to dry.
My mind wanders to Zara when I return to my seat, I look over to her work and as usual, it's the night sky. She wasn't wrong about how clear it is to see the difference, some stars are larger and more joined up than usual, more scattered around but it looks good. I also see that she was in the middle of painting an outline of a city skyline at the bottom of the canvas but stopped halfway.
It was Paris, the Eiffel Tower in the centre in white paint and she was just doing the surrounding buildings. If the Eiffel Tower was not in the middle or there at all, I would still be able to tell because she loves that place. I remember her saying these words exactly:
"I was ten when my father took me to Paris for his business trip, I fell in love with it immediately and it's my favourite place, if I could go anywhere in the world it would be back to there, it's been five years I hope to go back there someday."
Six years now.
I find myself smiling at the thought till the bell rang through the school and the teacher dismissing us all brought me back to reality. Ten minutes pass quickly.
Quickly, I pick up my bag and leave the classroom, saying goodbye to Mrs Dawson on the way out. I notice Karen waiting against the wall and when she sees me she smiles.
"What took so long?" She asks and I shrug, "Let's get going, Caden is I don't know where so I came to get you instead."
"I can't believe you dated my brother." I chuckle and she laughs.
"We never dated, we just had sex a few times." She reminded and I chuckle, "While we both liked each other but that's that, we just didn't know that till now."
"You had sex with my brother, ew." I scrunch my face in disgust and she rolled her eyes.
"You are better I can't lie, it's been a while." She admits and I hum as we walk up the stairs and into a hallway.
'I was very drunk, both times and so was you." I remind and she laughs and nods.
We were at a party and got very drunk, she saw me and I saw her and soon enough we were alone in the guest bedroom and everything unravelled from there. But it won't happen again, we both promised but it does get mentioned now and then as a joke.
Soon enough we were at our table and everyone was here talking to one another. My brother saw me and smiled once I sat between Quinn and Karen beside me.
"Your brother somehow got himself a date." Kai, my brother's best friend scoffs and I look at my brother in shock.
"What? With who?" I ask and he smiled down at himself, not answering my question.

RomanceNoa Carter, everyone knows her name, she has the money and she has the looks, her parents happen to be the head of school so she has the power. She's captain of the cheer team that she joined because her parents forced her to, they just want her to...