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Zara: You got yourself into some situation, tell your brother to come out of school quicker I'm getting bored

"Who are you texting?" My brother asks as we walk down the hallway and I scoff at the question.

"Your date, she's waiting for you go on." I sigh and he looks at me. He looks annoyed, upset, worried, and regretting his decisions.

"Noa you can't hate me forever, I'm sorry that this is happening but I have my chance to be with her, and I am taking it." He told and I take a deep breath before the two of us walk out of the school, "Unless you want to walk home you need to get in the car."

"I'd gladly walk," I answer and he sighs and I look at the blonde waiting by his car, I could walk, I'm most likely going to walk because there is no way I am going to sit in the back of the car with my brother and my ex who I'm still in love with sitting in front. And especially if they are going on a date later on tonight.

You must think I'm crazy if that's happening.

Good thing it's not going to rain. Good thing the walk home is less than an hour.

He walks over to Zara and she smiled at him before climbing into his car but I see her look out of the window at me as I turn the corner onto the street.


I arrived home forty-five minutes later to see my parents already home. When I walked through the door they looked at me with a worried expression.

"Where on earth have you been?!" My mum asks, quickly rushing over to me and my father followed behind her looking just as worried as she did, "Noa, you were supposed to be home twenty minutes ago, where have you been?!"

"I decided to walk home, nothing bad happened." I answer her and she sighs, "I felt like walking."

"No, you wanted to walk because you don't want to see your brother with Zara." She corrects and I roll my eyes, "They are upstairs."

So I'm guessing their date is in the house? Just amazing.

I did give him the advice to "be himself" which makes sense as to why they are in his bedroom. He's always in there.

I take off my bag and place it on the lower shelf along with my shoes below them and then head to the kitchen where my father is.

"How was work?" I question as I take a bowl from the cupboard and some fruit from the fridge.

"It was good thank you, how was school?" He asks me back and I shrug, "Noa, no shrugging use your words."

"Sorry, it was decent, cheer went well even though I screwed up on one part when Blair threw me up, I completely forgot my move." I sigh at the thought of what happened and my father put his hand on my shoulder.

"We all have our own accidents, you will do better next time don't worry." He smiles and I smile back while chopping up some strawberries, watermelon, mango and pineapple and then sliding them all into the bowl.

My father goes to his wife in the living room and the two go and watch television, I take my bowl and fork after I finish cleaning up the mess I made and then head upstairs.

On the way up, I hear the soft and familiar laugh from my brother's room which made the feeling return in my stomach, jealousy and anger.

I head into my room and close the door behind me and let out a sigh. After a few minutes, I change out of my uniform and turn on the shower once I finished eating.

Thankfully, I have my own bathroom, we all have our own instead of sharing one for the four of us because Caden uses up all the hot water and so does my father. And then if there happens to be a guest over from school, they will use the bathroom belonging to the person's bedroom they will be staying in.

I sigh as I turn on the light and look at myself in the mirror, I study my face to see a breakout beginning to happen with makes me groan in frustration and apart from that I'm okay.

Once the water turns warm I step inside of the shower and close the glass doors around me since it's curved.

The water hits me at the perfect pressure and temperature, it's hot, hot enough to make your skin tingle but not hot enough to burn.


The shower took close to fifteen minutes, I spent five minutes crying, another five doing what I was supposed to do, and the last five crying again. This thing between my brother and Zara is really getting to me.

I step out and wrap the towel around me once I dried my body after I finish drying my hair and about to wrap the towel around it. I notice my phone ringing. I sigh and went to the counter to look, why is Karen calling me?

"Hey, is everything okay?" I ask but realise it's a video call, and well I have a towel wrapped around my body and my hair dripping down my back from me not drying it completely.

She laughs and I see her laying on her stomach on her bed, her phone placed against some pillows to hold it up.

"I'm really hyper right now." She confesses and I chuckle and head into my bedroom, turning my camera off as I get changed into some shorts and then a cropped shirt with a cardigan to stay warm.

"What am I supposed to do about that?" I question and she shrugs as I turn my camera back on.

"Talk to me." She smiles and I glance at the camera, she's staring, "Talk about anything, I'll listen."

"I fancy some more fruit right now." I admit and she laughs, "Strawberries, mango and pineapple to be exact."

The two of us talk for two hours or so until she had to leave because her parents came home and they aren't so happy when their daughter is on call to people. I have no idea why, they're just strict in some areas.

I completed my skincare and things while on call, she told me about her plans until it went to silence and she spent her time looking at me with a smile on her face.

Whilst laying on the bed with another bowl of fruit by my side, a movie plays in the background, mean girls.

"I made everyone some food, come downstairs!"

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