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I sit in the passenger seat of Juliette's car, my head resting against the window as I look outside. The party was last night, it's Wednesday and I had to suffer from a hangover sickness this morning and now I want to die.

Although I do remember everything, the feeling of being inside of her, her moans, the taste. And fuck I miss it.

"Pe, first. Kill me." She groans as we pull up in the car park and I chuckle and take my bag in my hands and look over at the table to see Karen and Noa talking.

I smile as I see the brunette, she looks so beautiful and there's no Savannah in sight. It's one good morning.

"You should ask her out," Juliette suggests and I hum as we step out of the car and pick up my bag. The two of us head over to the lot, Noa looks at me and smiles, and Karen goes to make out with Juliette.

"You're early," I say as I take a seat beside the girl who is already smiling.

"I woke up early so I decided to come to school early." She answers and I hum as I pull out my phone and see a message from Carter.

Carter: How do I cover up a hickey like they are very visible and my makeup isn't working?

My eyes go straight to her neck, her hair is down which makes me smirk as she pulls some of her hair back, revealing around three dark hickeys which make me smile. Her hair falls back and my eyes return to my phone as I type a reply.

Just keep your hair down, if people see, don't be embarrassed. I'm guessing you remember?

Her phone vibrates, I watch her take it out and read the message, a light chuckle comes from her and then she types away.

I'm not embarrassed I'm just worried about my parents seeing. And no shit I remember, I can still feel you and it's driving me crazy.

I grin and slide my phone into my pocket before leaning down to the girl and whispering in her ear:

"I'm missing you more and more with each day"

The smile appears on her face as she looks over her shoulder and up at me and I smile down at her.

"You look well." She whispers and I hum as the smile grows whilst our eyes lock. My heart pauses in my chest as she smiles and then the bell rang which pulled us back, "Save me, I don't want to do pe."

"Same here, don't worry."


"What on earth happened?" Juliette asks and I look over at her, she's looking at me in shock. She takes my arm and walks me to the mirror, turns me around so I'm on an angle and then moves my hair to the side.

There's the scratches on the left side of my back, from halfway up to my shoulder and wow, they look intense.

Then there's a gasp from Karen and we all look, she's looking at Noa, at her neck and then the two girls put the two things together and then another gasp.

"You guys fucked?!" Juliette gasps and I chuckle, "That's where you disappeared to!"

"Shut up." Noa groans and she pulls on a hoodie that covers her neck and I roll my eyes and take my shirt.

"Doesn't it hurt?" Karen asks and I laugh.

"Don't act like you don't have it either." I grin and her face darkens, my eyes lock with Noa and her cheeks turn red as she smiles.

I put on my shirt with a small sigh and wait for us to go. It doesn't take long for us all to be outside, we are walking today and thank god, I am not in the mood for sports.

"Walk with me." Noa whispers as she pulls me to the back of the line and I look at her, "Hey, Blondie."

"Hello, is everything okay?" I question and look at the girl who manages to take my breath away, "I'm tired."

"Did you sleep?"

"No, I had a lot on my mind when I got home."

"Same, you were in my mind quite a lot. Most of the night actually."

I grin as she blushes then looks at the trees at her side and then at me, her eyes fall to my lips and back up. My stomach flutters as her fingers brush against mine as we walk around the fields.

"So, how are you doing?" I ask and she shrugs with a small laugh which causes me to smile even more.

"I'm feeling sick obviously." She admits and I hum and look at her, the way the wind blows her hair back and how she has to bring her coat closer just makes me ridiculously happy, "Stop looking at me like that."

"Like what?"

"Like you want me."

"What if I do?" I raise a brow and she looks at me, "I mean last night was your proof and it seems to me by the way screamed my name both rounds says you have something to tell me."

"That you are very delusional and I was just turned on because of the obvious reasons?" She asks and I laugh while shaking my head.

"That you want me too." I answer and she looks ahead with a small smile, her cheeks a darker colour, "Well?"

"Shut up." She groans and I laugh as our fingers intertwine.

I watch Juliette hold Karen's hand as the two walk around quite ahead of us and she looks over her shoulder. Her eyes were on me, then to Noa, and at our hands and back up. She held the widest grin on her face.

She whispers something to Karen which causes her to look behind and then smile widely as she gives a thumbs up and I scoff.

"Stop looking you assholes." Noa groans and the two look away quickly which causes me to laugh, "Fucking hell they act like they haven't seen it twice."

"Be nice," I whisper and she whispers an apology which causes me to pull her closer and her head rests on my shoulder.

"I've missed you, Blondie, really fucking much. I think it's the right time for you to come back if you are still wanting to."

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