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It's been three weeks since I had to watch her unknowingly warm up with a girl who was trying to get her trust to go fuck later on. I confess that it made me want to murder this girl, but I haven't seen her lately to do that.

Maybe I shouldn't be awake so early in the morning, four in the morning, wrapped in a blanket on the sofa staring at the fire that burns in the fireplace. The tears fall down my cheeks once again as my heart aches in my chest. I miss her, I miss her words, her presence, her lips, her touch. I miss the way she would make me feel and it's been almost five weeks since things ended.

"Zara?" My mum whispers and I look over my shoulder at the woman is looking at me with confusion, "Why are you awake?"

"Just thinking." I whisper and she sighs and takes a seat beside me, pulling me into her arms where I break down into tears, "I really miss her mum, it's been too long and everything in me wants her back."

"I know, I know. You guys still love each other, Naomi told me she's been crying about you almost every night, she hears her crying in the night and it's always about you two. She still loves you." She whispers and I nod.

"I know she does, I just have to wait for her to feel better," I explain and she looks at me and wipes my tears.

"We all know she's better when she's with you." She smiles and I look at her and shake my head, "Zara it's true, we all know it is."

"But she won't take me back." I say and she laughs quietly, "She won't?"

"She will take you back in a heartbeat, trust me she will." The woman held onto my hands and I smile down at myself, "Go talk to her tomorrow."

It does happen to be Valentine's Day tomorrow, well today.

"Go get some sleep, school starts in four hours." She whispers and I nod and lay down on the sofa, "Sleeping here tonight?"

"I don't want to move," I admit and she nods and kisses my forehead before leaving to go to the kitchen to get something to drink.

I keep the blanket wrapped around my body whilst my head rests on a cushion and I close my eyes.


Valentine's Day.

The day where everyone appears with flowers, cards, chocolates and everything else in between. Many new relationships.

I sit on the bench with Blair who is too busy looking at a girl who I don't know the name of but she seems to have a crush. Juliette sits beside me talking about whatever but I'm only looking for one person in particular and she hasn't shown up yet.

Karen arrives holding a bouquet of flowers and chocolate, I watch my best friend smile and when her girlfriend approaches her, she kisses her and the two hug with a smile.

Juliette gives her the gifts she bought and the two kiss a few more times and I look down at my phone and see a notification.

Mum: Just do what your gut tells you to do. Naomi and Dorian are willing to help since they agree on you guys talking things through if things go well. Good luck x

I smile and type a quick reply before putting my phone back in my pocket.

After around fifteen minutes of waiting, the familiar car arrives in the parking lot and everything inside of me lights up but my heart sinks. Valentine's Day and she isn't mine.

"Are you planning something?" Karen asks and I look at her, "Oh my gosh fuck yes!"

I watch as the girl steps out of the car with her brother by her side. Her hair is in a half up half down, the top braided into curls and then the rest is all curls. She looks beautiful.

Before I could move, the Savannah bitch walks up to her holding roses and a huge teddy bear, people started to gather and my heart sinks into my stomach.

"That fucking bitch." Juliette and Karen curse and all the voices fade as I watch the two.

She looks at her like she's her everything, and then she pulls her into a hug and Noa hugs her back and takes the teddy bear in her hands and places it in her brother's car.

"No fucking way." Karen gasps and the tears fill my eyes as I watch Savannah take Noa's face into her hands and then...kisses her, "Oh my gosh she's dead."

"Zara, Zara come on look at me." Juliette shakes my shoulders and I look at her, "Don't cry, come on don't cry."

"She kissed her," I whisper, my voice breaking as the tear falls and my heart breaks along with it. The girl wipes my tears and then the two are coming over just after I gather myself together.

Savannah, she's pretty and shit but she's not her type.

"Hey!" The bitch smiles and we all put on a smile, none of us want her here.

"What was that?" Karen asks, looking very annoyed and her eyes mainly on Savannah.

"She's taking my gifts I bought for her and I kissed her. Do you have a problem?" She raises a brow and I look at Noa who is staring at me and she has tears in her eyes.

Karen goes off and shouts every word under the sun at that girl while me and Noa just stare at one another. A thousand words were shared just by one look.

Her eyes fall to my lips and then back up. But nothing happened between us both, she just smiles at me before turning around and running her fingers through her hair.

"I'm throwing a party at mine tonight, all come if available!"

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