Chapter 10

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A/N: Okay, firstly, thank you so much for all your reviews. I can't believe that you like it so far. I just hope you continue to enjoy it.  

Secondly, this is a short chapter; a bit of a time passer for me... several days pass in a couple of paragraphs! Wow, how good am I?

Thirdly, there's not much Joker in this one but I had to do it.

Fourthly... lord, don't I ramble! Please see the end for the tests... you'll know what I mean if you get there far without hitting back or passing out from boredom.

Oh...Important... during the test with Roberts, italics are Jane's replies, it just makes it easier to follow... I hope.

Thanks to Ripley10 for her hard work. :)

Chapter 10

How he managed to walk past the cops sitting outside her apartment and not be noticed, she had absolutely no idea. But he did, and forty minutes later she was sitting on the sofa while he paced back and forth in front of her, gripping one knife in his hand. His black jacket was discarded and lay over the arm of the chair along with the driver's cap.

"What did you do with the real driver?" she asked suddenly and swallowed as her imagination played all sorts of havoc with her conscience. He watched her, smirking as he saw the play of emotions over her face.

"You don't want to know," he finally muttered and watched as her eyes closed and she covered her mouth in grief. "Unless, of course, you don't mind knowing he's knocked out at the depot, trussed like a turkey and practically naked."

Her eyes flew open and she glared at him as she realized he'd been winding her up. He cackled with laughter and resumed pacing as he watched her sideways.

"What happens now?" she asked and yawned as exhaustion crept up on her.

"Bed," he muttered and turned to face her.

Jane looked up at him and swallowed.

"Are you still mad at me?" she asked him quietly.

"You think I don't understand what makes you run, but I get it, I really do," he said slowly, his voice deep. He licked at his lips and tilted his head slightly. "I figured you out, babe. You can't run from me and if you ever try it again..."

"Yeah, yeah, I know," she sighed tiredly. "You'll kill me."

He tilted his head right back and laughed loud and slow.

"You wanna know something, Janey?" he cackled, coming towards her, he hauled her to her feet by her collar. "Your smart mouth is going to get you into so much trouble one of these days."

"Yeah, at the interview, most probably." Jane couldn't help the bolt of desire that shot through her at his proximity. She squirmed in his hold slightly and then licked her lips.

He gripped the back of her head with one hand and hauled her right into his face, grimacing at her and showing her his discoloured teeth.

"I thought about you a lot in Arkham. I used to speculate what put the pain in your eyes. Why you were so reserved with the guards, why you wouldn't meet anyone's eyes. You have very expressive eyes, especially when you're miles away in your head. You intrigued me, Janey, even if that guard hadn't come at you, I'd have come for you when I got bored of staring at four walls. I could tell that there was more to you than met the eye. You were silent, so quiet, and I used to wonder what your voice sounded like."

"And now you know," she whispered, her eyes on his tongue as it flicked over his scars. "Bet you wish you'd never found out."

"Ah, Janey, shut the fuck up," he said quietly. "Ninety-nine percent of the time I enjoy what comes out of your mouth, but that one percent, when you put yourself down, that just annoys me. I like it when you smart-mouth me, when you answer back, when you have a go at me. It's funny. It tells me you've got grit, under all that uncertainty, you actually have a backbone. So, relax, babe. You won't fuck up in the interview, Janey, I won't let you."

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