Chapter 20

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A/N: Another chapter.... I hope you enjoy this one, I worked hard on it.

Thanks to Ripley10 as always for her hard work. :)

Chapter 20

The Joker cackled happily, just short of rubbing his hands together as he watched Roger Garcetti informing the reporter that he was no longer just acting as D.A.; he was now the new District Attorney.

"You're happy," Jane observed.

"Oh, yes, things are almost back to the way they should be," he mumbled and then cackled again.

"Almost?" she repeated him and nibbled on her ginger biscuit. Ginger biscuits and cucumber seemed to be the only things she could keep down at the moment.

"Well, I mean you can never really go back, can you?" he said vaguely. "You can try to recreate the past, but you can never truly go back. Forwards. Forwards is the only way, with just a hint of the past. In this case, our hint of former glory is Garcetti, a dirtier D.A. the world has yet to see."

"I thought you didn't like corrupt politicians and cops?" She picked at the crumbs on her sweater and then stood up.

"I don't," he said in exasperation. "I don't. I don't like anyone, Janey. But I fail to see why you'd ask that? What relevance does it have to this?" He waved his hand at the TV and sucked on his scars as he lifted his eyebrows at her.

"You'd think by now that I would have learned to just listen and not ask unanswerable questions, wouldn't you?" she murmured and crossed to her note pad at the table. "I was just curious why, if you don't like him, you're glad he's back as D.A., that's all."

"What have you got there?" he asked, changing the subject when he saw her pick up the pad and hold it out to him. "A list of kiddy names? I already told you it's going to be called Silas."

"No, it's not a list of names," she scoffed scornfully. "It's the reply to the paper, and what if this just happens to be a girl in here. She's going to look mighty stupid running around with a boy's name, isn't she?"

"It's not a girl," he replied with immeasurable confidence making Jane snort at him.

"Lord, I hope it's a girl, just to see the look on your face!" she replied sharply.

"If it's a girl, it'll be packed off to an overseas boarding school. What use is a girl to me in my line of work?" He took the pad and smirked at her.

"What?" demanded Jane horrified.

"Joke," he sneered at her. "It's called a 'joke.'"

"Ha ha ha, well, in that case, Mister, your jokes suck," she said and pouted at him. "Besides, have you never heard the expression that 'many a true word is said in jest?'"

"I have indeed," he replied softly and began reading her reply.

Jane frowned at him and stepped forward to peer up into his face. A bolt of insecurity flashed through her. "You were joking, weren't you?" she asked him quietly.

He didn't lift his head just looked up at her under his lashes and smirked wickedly at her. He arched one eyebrow and smacked his lips together before going back to her note pad.

"What kind of answer is that?" she prodded.

"The only one you'll get," he replied.

"If you need any other," he murmured and cackled suddenly. "Janey, Janey, your tongue is sharper than a knife I swear it is. You're gonna stir up a whole nest of stings with this little rejoinder. Although I notice you're quite soft on our resident Commissioner, like him, do we?" He took her pencil and began to scrub out some words and add his own scrawl over them.

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