Chapter 19

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A/N: Okay, first up, I'm sorry if you think the Joker is way OOC in this one, he probably is, but it was the way it came out for me and with the way he's evolved in this story I think it's the way he'd go. But don't panic, 'cause it won't be all fluffiness and roses; it just can't be. But then I'm not a hardcore dark fiction writer... just a little angsty every now and then.

Thanks to Ripley10 :)  She makes it readable.

Chapter 19

"Jane, how are you with dogs?"

The Joker stood in the open doorway of their apartment. His shoulders were hunched and his head tilted to the side slightly as he looked at Jane who sat on the sofa reading.

"Yeah," came the hushed reply and he rolled his eyes and stomped across the room. He leaned over the sofa and whipped the book from her hands, tossing it over his shoulder.

"Hey, hey!" Jane cried out. "I was at the good part! No, give it back!" She tried to scramble off the sofa, but he caught her shoulders and pinned her to the seat.

"Janey, I want your attention and I want it now. How are you with dogs?"

"Dogs? Okay, why?"

"Oh, good, in that case I brought you a present then." He grinned down at her and turned, putting his fingers in his mouth and whistling loudly. Jane sat up and leaned over the back of the sofa just in time to see two enormous black dogs come bounding into the apartment.

"Sit," roared the Joker and she saw them obediently sit at his feet, mouths open and tongues lolling out; their stubby tails wagging as they looked up at him.

"I take it you haven't seen Lady and the Tramp," Jane muttered. "Doggy presents are supposed to come in round boxes and be cute and fluffy, not monstrous and frightening."

"They're not monstrous," he murmured. "And since when have I ever called you Darling?"

"Yeah, like you'd hear Joker Dear from me," she snorted back and then looked at him in shock. "You haven't watched it, have you?"

"I distinctly remember having to sit through it as a child in the home," he snorted at her. "I still bare the scars, ugly ones from too much sugar!"

Jane laughed and looked back at the dogs, still sitting and waiting patiently. "Can I get up or will I be their supper?"

"Tiny, Fifi, this is Janey, Janey is a friend," he said and patted at their heads.

Jane looked at him in horror. "Are you completely out of your mind? Tiny? Fifi? What the hell were you thinking?"

He shrugged and looked slightly embarrassed much to Jane's delight.

"Wasn't my choice, they came with the names from their former owner and he was off his rocker."

"So what do I do to stop them eating me?" she asked and got up slowly. The turned their heads and snarled at her.

"Friend," Joker held out his hand to her but spoke to the dogs. He moved towards Jane and she reached out and gripped his hand tightly. "They can smell fear, Janey, so try not to be frightened of them."

"Well, you'd better douse me in perfume then, 'cause I imagine I'm reeking of it. Good girls," she cooed as he drew closer and brought her hand toward them, palm up.

"Boys," the Joker chuckled and watched as the dogs sniffed her hand and then began licking it. Jane laughed as it tickled, and moving more confidently, stepped forward and began stroking their heads and petting them.

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