Chapter 34

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Thanks to Ripley10 for her hard work. :)

Chapter 34

Jane came to with that same feeling of nausea, but this time there was no bowl placed in front of her. She only just managed to roll to one side before she lost the contents of her stomach. It was several seconds before her brain could work past the effects of vomiting. She rolled back and realized that she was lying on a bed. She also realised it wasn't her bed. With sickening clarity, the events of the afternoon came back to her.

"Bitch," she snarled and sat up. At least she wasn't tied. The room she was in looked like a motel; it had that seedy, damp, cloying smell that was unsuccessfully masked with spray air freshener.

"Foxy?" she shouted the name with undisguised hatred. "Where the hell are you? Show yourself!"

"You want to see Foxy?" came an oily voice and Jane whipped around on the bed. She saw a man standing in the doorway that led into the bathroom area. He had an oily-looking air to him that made Jane hunch up on the bed in fear.

"Where're my dogs?" she demanded shakily.

"Doped and locked in the trunk of my car!" he laughed. "I'd have killed them, but the boss wants them for some reason."

"Don't you...." She stopped as he began to move toward her slowly.

"You stay away from me!" Jane cried and jumped off the bed to back into the wall.

"Why?" he laughed. The door to the main room opened and Foxy came into the room with two bags.

"Henry, what the hell do you think you're doing?" gasped Foxy when she saw Jane crouched against the wall in fear.

"Just playing, Foxy. Keep your hair on!"

"Keep my hair on? Are you insane? If anything happens to her the Joker won't stop till we're all dead!"

"We'll be long gone before he can even work out where she is," Henry spat and backed away from Jane to cross to Foxy. He ripped the bags from her hands and slung them onto the bed. "Why don't you just shut the fuck up?" He backhanded her hard, sending her backwards into the door.

"Boss told me you're only good for getting the girl. Way I see it? We've got the girl and there's no more use for you!"

"I'm going with Deever!" Foxy pushed herself up the door, palm pressed against the bruised flesh of her cheek.

Jane stood by the wall watching the byplay with frightened eyes. She looked around her, but could see no obvious way out or weapon. She slid away from them toward the bedside cabinet, maybe the drawer would hold something.

"What do you mean?" came Foxy's high pitched squeal. "He promised me! He told me I was going to stay with him."

"And you believed him?" laughed Henry as he advanced slowly on the now-terrified hooker. "So why did he tell me, explicitly, that as soon as you had the stuff we needed I was to take you out? I don't think he meant for a meal, do you?"

Jane slid the drawers open quietly and bit her lip when it became apparent they were empty of anything except a Missionary Bible. She eyed the lamp that sat on the top of the cabinet. The base was a heavy metal. If she beaned him hard enough, she could leave him witless, and escape. She pulled the plug silently and looked sideways at Foxy and the man.

"I'm gonna have myself some of what you give out girly," the man laughed and gripped Foxy. He turned to look back at Jane, and Foxy used the moment to knee him sharply in the groin. He grunted with pain as he sank to his knees. Jane wasted no time and jumped onto the bed. Brandishing the lamp over her head, she brought it down in a swinging arc as she jumped down onto the floor behind him. It connected with his head with a sickening thud and he fell to the side silently. Blood began to pool around his head where he lay.

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