Chapter 14

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Thanks to Ripley10 for her hard work. :)

Chapter 14

Batman looked from Gordon to Ron and back again.


"The Joker has managed to capture Jane again. All we can do now is sit back and wait for his next ridiculous demand. The city is in a complete uproar and I'm dreading the morning newspapers. But I am relieved that you've got the mayor back. I take it you've made sure he's safe?" Gordon answered for Ron, weariness clear in his voice.

"Yes, I have," Batman replied.

"Well, actually that's not what I meant," Ron added cautiously.

"What?" It was Gordon's turn to look at him in surprise.

"I had a tracking device placed on her, and then halved the guard around her," sighed Ron. "I didn't like doing it, but I saw no other alternative. She was unconscious for the first couple of hours and the doctors planted it then. The Joker was coming for her. I was sure of it."

"You've done what?" Gordon demanded and sat up straight. "You've done what?"

"A tracking device. He wouldn't leave a loose end like Jane. He may have been calling our bluff on the train, but I don't think for one minute he won't try something else. I thought she might have had some idea about it all, but she didn't have a clue when I showed her the tape."

"You showed her the tape?" Gordon snapped and looked across at him angrily.

"I showed her the tape," Ron said defensively.

"You had no right doing that without authorization," Gordon replied. "What were you thinking? Do you know how many lines you've crossed? Good God, man, you're supposed to be on the right side of the law!"

"Compared with the lines, he's crossed and the one she crossed, I don't see it as a problem."

"I can't believe you've done that," Gordon sighed and ran his hands through his hair, resting his head in his hands and staring at the table. "If this gets out... If anyone finds out... I should fire you on the spot!"

"So what?" snapped Ron. "He was coming for her. Did you really want to see another hospital blown sky high? Don't doubt that he would have done it."

"We were supposed to be protecting her as well as trying to catch him," Gordon hissed. "You just handed her back. What if he plans to kill her? What if he uses her in some way against us? You cannot endanger a citizen's life like that, no matter what you think she's done! What about your oath to protect and serve, God dammit! Go home now before I do fire you. Go on! Get out!"

"What I think she's done?" Ron cried out and jumped to his feet. "I can't believe you just said that."

"Well, believe it," Gordon replied firmly and got to his feet. "You have become too emotionally involved with this. You're taking it personally and you've put the whole operation at risk."

"What operation?" Ron asked agitatedly. "Come off it. The only operation we've got in place for this madman is the clean-up operation after he's blown us all to kingdom come!"

"Go home, Ron. Rest. Sleep. Think about this and then come back tomorrow. I can't afford to lose you on this one. I need you. Go home and think about it, Ron. Your duty to this city comes above and beyond any personal feelings you may have, and you need to get that clear in your head before you come back."

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