Chapter 8

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A/N: I'm really sorry, but this is another long chapter with very little time changing. It makes for some long Joker/Jane moments and not much interaction with other people. I can't help it, sorry. Oh and a little more of the way I see the Joker comes out in this chapter when he's talking to Jane. She still doesn't know everything about him, but I just think this bit is how he would be. I guess you'll understand it more when you get to the end. Hope you enjoy it though...

Thanks to Ripley10 for her hard work. :)

Chapter 8

"Yeah, well, I'd have been stupid to think anything else really, wouldn't I?" she said airily and packed the last item of clothes back into her bag. She stood up straight and looked around the small room with her eyes narrowed. She didn't really want to leave anything behind and have to come back for it.

"An exercise in futility, you'd say," she added and kicked at her bag with a satisfying grunt. "A useless, expensive, and totally intrusive exercise," she grunted and gave the bag a kick with each word.

"You done there?" The Joker inquired from where he was stood in the doorway watching her.

"No, not really," she sighed and bent to pick the bag up by the handle. She grunted at its weight and let it drop again. "Can't even carry my own stupid luggage!" she snarled and kicked it again.

"Janey, you knew he was going to be acquitted," he whined and shrugging came over and picked up the bag. "So, what's bugging you, girl?"

"The fact that they acquitted him!" she replied crossly. "I was happy before this trial, I was! Yeah, so my head was two feet under sand, but at least I didn't have to go through each day knowing that the whole world is corrupt. But you want to know the worst part?" she asked and then carried on talking without giving him a chance to say anything. "The worst part is no one really gives a damn, and the few who do are banging their heads against a brick wall."

"I've been telling people for years now and no one wants to know," he muttered and went out of the room.

"Yeah, but you didn't lose your job in the process, did you?" she muttered and followed him, picking up her basket of papers as she went.

"You really wanna scrub Arkham's johns?" He threw over his shoulder and started down the stairs, bag in one hand, and knife in the other.

"It's the principle!" she called after him and started down the stairs after him. "Of course, I'm not going to miss scrubbing the toilets! But why the hell should I lose my job for doing nothing, when that lunatic, who should be in a straightjacket, is probably working out his next master plan for control over Gotham?"

"That was never his plan in the first place," he replied and stopped at the bottom to look across at the TV. It was blaring the news that Crane had been exonerated of all charges. Jane stopped beside him and snorted when Crane came onto the screen, and smiled for the cameras.

"I have no comment at this time, except to say that justice was served." He leaned forward slightly and smiled straight into the camera.

"Justice, my foot!" she snorted and several of the Joker's men looked round in surprise.

"Do you have any comment on Jane Kimble?" one reporter shouted after him as he turned away, but he made no comment.

"What about your relationship with her? Do you still stand by your affair?"

"There was never anything on my side. It was all what Miss Kimble concocted in her own mind," he said gently and then his lawyers ushered him away.

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