Solid beginnings

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Sasomi and Natasha where hiking up a mountain, what mountain your asking?
The same mountain they met on. They same mountain were Natasha learned more on fighting, but more on enlightenment.
The same mountain were Sasomi made roots into becoming a monk.
The same mountain were they fell in love.
Christian was born in spring like so many other babies.
In front of the couple was another couple and a green haired women. They were carrying  there children. The other couple was a blonde women who was holding her son, had spiky hair. And the baby had spiky hair as well. And the man has nice combed back dark brown hair and glasses.
The woman who had green hair was carrying a boy with curly seaweed green hair. He had a lot of freckles.

The three people in-front of the Hasada couple, looked back. They saw the husband who was bald  was really buff. Like hero buff. Maybe he was one. Then they saw the wife. Dark skin, with long silky dark brown hair.
She was carrying a light skin baby with dark brown curly hair. He didn't have as much hair as them, but would probably have more in the future.
"Hey, you guys down their. Come up here with us. We don't bite!" Mizuki yelled.
The couple below looked up and did as she asked. They quickened there pace and went right next to Marisu. Sasomi being on the right of him.

"Hello, Im Natasha Hasada. I grew up in America and moved to Japan. And this is my husband , Sasomi."
"Im Mizuki Bakugo and this is my husband Marisu. And I got to say I love your hair,what do you do with it?" Mizkuki asks.
Natasha widens her eyes abit at that.
"Uh, i just use some conditioner and shampoo." Natasha says."I also love how spiky yours is".
"Oh, personally I think it makes me look like a hedgehog, but it works. I snagged a goodie too shoes" Mizuki says. The green haired women snorts after the comment.
The new couple looks at the green haired women who is carrying what looks like to be another ball of sunshine. And is giving off a figurative glow aswell. Not as bright as there Christian but it is still their.
"Sorry Mizuki, by the way my name is Midoriya Inko." Inko said.
"Nice to meet you all, "Sasomi started."but who are these bundles of joy. "Sasomi  finished.
They were all surprised by the kindness of his voice. One look at him you would think that he looked like he could snap someone in half. But once someone heard his voice, he sounded like he wouldn't hurt a fly.
"Oh this" Mizuki said while holding a baby Katzuki up."I'm sorry, but I can already tell he is going to be like me and nothing like his father. A hot headed loud mouth".
Inko and Natasha burst out laughing.
Sasomi and Marisu both smiles at that. Inko also smiled it as well.
Then baby Christian laughed.
Inko and the Bakugos looked to the right and found that Baby Christian was laughing.
Both Hasadas looked at their child and smiled.
A small little moment that they would both treasure.
"So what brings you guys to the temple"? Sasomi asked.
"Oh, I brought my brat and Inko and her son, so they could get blessed," Mitzuki answered "What about you" she asked the Hasada couple.
"Oh, me and Sasomi met here, we wanted to bless are child here to. And he also used to be a monk"
Both Inko and Marisu went wide eyed at this.
"Cool, I thought you were a hero with how big you are" Mizuki said
"I would think a lot of people would think that, but I just do a lot of training with my wife. She was a world know fighting champion" Sasomi answered.
"WHAT!!" Inko yelled in confusion.
"Yah,at my peak the only person who could beat me was him. Monks are on a different level" Natasha finished.
"That is one hell of a story," Mitzuki started but couldn't finish. They finally made it up the mountain and got to some flat ground.
They entered a gate with out any type of doors and went inside. They entered into the court yard. They saw a bunch of monks practicing with staffs. There movements looked precise, and they were in sync,like they were a colony of bees. Then their was an instructor the was pacing back in forth yelling instructions.

They made it near the instructor and Sasomi bowed and put his hands together . The monk reciprocated.
"Break!" The monk yelled. And the other monks dispersed.
Them going around the group holding babies.
Sasomi went up the the monk that just yelled and bowed
"Nice to see you again brother" Sasomi said
"I feel the same." The monk started"follow me" he said.
The monk turned around and walked to the stairs that went further up the temple. Inko, the Bakugos and the Hasadas, followed the monk up the flight of stairs.
The place looked amazing. This place had so much history, and you could see it the way vines and some moss leaked into the temple's structures.
They got to the top of the stairs and found a old looking monk. This monk looked wise. Not just from his age, but the energy he was giving off.
"Hello young pupil. And hello to everybody." The old monk said.
You have come here to have blessed. And blessed they shall be....will start with the brats" the old monk said pointing to Katzuki.
"I like this guy" Mitzuki said while walking with her child to the old monk.
Once she got their, she handed him to the monk, then the monk walked a couple meters and placed him in a baby basket of sorts.
Then the monk sat on his own legs in front of the baby.
"The old master has a quirk that can predict what will the child will be like in terms of behavior and personality" the young monk that was standing to the left of Natasha.

The old monk put his hand out as if reaching for the baby but then his hand glowed. A sun like color was smiting from his hands .
Three seconds later and he was then saying some blessings and some prayers from the book of Buddha.
Then the old monk picked up the child and walked to Mitzuki.
The monk then held out the child for her to grab. The monk was a bit shorter then Inko. And ink was short.
"You child will be ill tempered, and stubborn," the old monk started." But will be honest, talented and hard working."
Mitzuki was glad, and proud. She definitely knew he was going to be the first two. But the last two were a 50/50 for her.
Then the monk went towards Inko, which caught her off guard, but calmed down instantly. The monk got their and Inko held out her child and the monk grabbed him carefully. He walked towards the baby basket and sat him down. And then he sat on his legs and held out his hand. The same light glowed, but this time the energy swayed on his palm more. It had light hints of green. The monk got up and picked the child up. He then walked to Inko and gave her child back.
"Your child will be kind, he will be determined, and he will have dark ties, but they won't inconvenience him." The monk said.
He always had a smile plasters into his face. Which everybody found warming. Sasomi also did the same thing. Which gave the same affect.
The old monk then walked towards Natasha who was holding her son.
The monk got their and Natasha held her son out and the monk grabbed hold of him and held him gently. He went to the baby basket one last time and placed him in it.
This time, when he used his quirk, the sun like color, turned pitch black. But then it showed some of that sun like color.
None of the parents knew what it meant when his quirk changed colors like that. But the last one was abit weird.

The monk grabbed the baby and and got up. He turned around and walked towards Sasomi, and handed the baby to him.

"Your son will have kindness that leads him to use it on every situation, and he will be optimistic. He will have determination and talent. But he also has dark ties. And these ties ,he can not avoid. And he will inevitably have to face."
The monk went to the other monk and whispered something to him. The other monk seemed surprised. But then he recomposed his self and  started walking toward the group.
"It seems I get to go home early." the young monk said.
"How about you guys come and  join us for some tea at my house"?  Mitzuki asked.
"Oh , that would be wonderful, what about you Kimchi?".  Sasomi asked.

"I would be honored to" The young monk answered
"Young Sasomi, I must speak with you" the old monk said.
"Kimchi" Sasomi started. "Why don't you get yourself acquainted with everybody while I go talk." Sasomi
Sasomi walked over, with his child in his arms , considerable amount of distance. The old master was looking out a window of sorts.
They made it and the old monk siding even budge his eyes from the window.
"That child is different " the old monk said
"Well I think every child is different" Sasomi said.
"You know what I mean Sasomi.And you know that he is not even your child"
Sasomi widened his eyes a little from what he said.
"Biologically of course. What made your wife have a child with the embodiment of evil " the old monk said.
Sasomi looked down at his child. He didn't know how to feel. The fact that the guy just left once she was pregnant. Or that this child made him so much more happy.
"She said his smile was like nothing else. And his white hair made him stand out."

The monk looked at Sasomi having to look up.
"Why did it have to be All for one"

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