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Regular talking: "hey"

An office was one of Christians favorite places to be. Offices usually had books and a computer and was just a place that exudes a place of knowledge.

The one who owned the office and who was sitting behind the desk was none other then Nezu.

This was supposed a one on one meeting to see if this would be a good fit but almost everybody believed it would be.

Christian's parents were right outside the door sitting down waiting.

Nezu took one more sip of his tea and placed it down on the little tea cup plate and cleared his throat to single thst the convo was ready to start.

"So Christian I heard I a lot about y-"

"What type of tea is that"? Christian interrupted.

Christian then realized what he did was rude.

"Sorry, it's just when I don't know something it bugs me abit" he explained.

"It's a peach herbal one. Tell me, do you consider yourself smart"?

Christian thought about that for a couple of seconds, it being evident on his face that he was indeed thinking hard.

Was he smart?

I mean yes of course he was. He had insane social awareness, and seems to understand complex concepts such basic physics. And has even dipped his hands in quantum mechanics.

"I would say yes but it's abit confusing in my opinion" Christian answered

And he has insane conversation skills.

"How so young one"? Nezu quarried.

"Well, what do you define smart as" ? Christian asked.

"I would like to think of it as something that determines the hierarchy. But you can also say it's the mostly use when someone compliments somones intellect."

"Yeah but when you call somone smart, are you referring to one specific task like math or language arts. Or are you saying there smart at everything, or just the important things in life" Christian said.

"Like , a person can be smart if they know the curriculum ahead of when it is being teached.  But what about the person who didn't learn ahead. Are they less smart. So  there are a lot of different ways to be smart and there are a lot of different types of intelligences. So I can't just say I'm smart but quite intelligent in different areas."

"Quite insightful"Nezu said while placing his tea cup on his little plate on the desk.

"What do you plan on being when you grow up"? Nezu asked

Christian thought about it a lot. Christian obviously wanted to be a hero, but would that be good for society. Would it allow society in Japan thrive.

Probably, but there were so many other jobs out there. Somewhere in robotics design could be useful.

Or music. He's doing pretty well in that already.

Or just bringing a smile to peoples faces.

'Why not try everything that you think you could help with'? Venom suggested.

A harmless gander, but Christian was in a situation where he could just try different things. He had money, he had time and he had the ability.

So why not try all of them.

"I want to make people happy. Whether it's from saving them, hearing my music, or just me being entertaining, I want to do anything I possibly can to help people, because I have power that I should put to use." Christian revealed.

A silence lingers in the air for a moment. Only a fleeting one.

Nezu bores his black beady eyes into the boy, by how perplex the boy's answer was.

Yes, it was a normal thing almost any child would say, an innocent answer.

That would have to do.

"I think this might just work out"

"All for one has children, and we know who one is already." I answer

"Are you sure he's the child?" Nighteye asks.

"Yes, I'm certain of it. Same complexion, same pigment over his face and hair. He is the child that I saw in that underground layer."

He moves his mouse to the right and clicks another file of some street name that I missed's camera footage.

Of course this footage is at least a week old but we found it non the less. It took a couple days of digging.

He clicks on the entire footage of last Tuesday and skips to the part where we spot Christian.

Except he has somone with him.
Somone who was most defiantly going to be taken down soon, because evil like that can't be walking amongst innocent civilians.

The footage plays, and it shows one adult with a child walking close to the adult and also holding his hand as they cross a road.

All for one.

Or legally known as Hissashi Rajin.

The problem that stands is that anytime we have data on where All for one is, is when he is with Christian. So it's either they attack when they have Christian in the vicinity, or they don't attack at all because they don't know where he is.

We will wait a while to see if things change. If not, then we're launching the attack immediately and bringing a a retrieve team to get Christian out of there to keep him safe from when I fight All for one.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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