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When they got the dog, Natasha labeled him the spawn of satan. It fit, with the little gremlin being up to no good with Christian by it's side.
He's able to scale walls and crawl on ceilings like something out of the exorcist, he has acidic saliva. They had to call multiple repairmen in a single month. And sometimes, he would ball up and become a ball. Then he would start rolling around like he was some pinball.

And then Kastuki came over, and they were practically the same being. They would have that same look in their eyes, and laugh. Like they were some maniacal little devils.

Natasha and Sasomi were still wrapping there heads around that the dog could talk. And do anything a human could do.

But today, little Christian and Natasha were out by themselves today. Stitch did really want to come with them, Christian and him really did have an amazing connection.

Christian was able to calm him down and for the first time, he tried building something. All Christian had to say was 'try building something' and then he would.

Anyways now that Natasha and him were out, they could go do something random. Sasomi went to go do something in the mountains, so he would be gone for awhile ,probably the whole day.

Natasha had to stop and sign a couple of autographs, and she was abit surprised when it happened. But she was more then happy to. Having fans this far was really cool.

Then she felt it, something churn in her stomach and felt like something bad was going to happen.

They were just on a random street, walking and just looking around. But now it felt like someone was watching them.

Natasha grabbed Christian's hand held it tight, with Christian taking a break from looking at his surroundings and looking up at his mother with confusion that quickly turned into concern.

Why did she feel like someone was watching her. Was it just some random hit of paranoia, or was it instincts.

Was it all for one.

There was no way it was him. He would always send someone else to do business.
But she and little Christian were his business.
And Garaki most definitely told him about Christian's latest development, he was definitely going to find a way to snake his way into there lives.

Maybe it was. But it wasn't like he could show up and steal them.

Then that's when she saw it. A police officer.

Then she saw another one.

It was vary sunny, that type of sun light that would make you happy.

But it felt like they were up to no good.

As the police officers acknowledged both Natasha and Christian, they gave her probably one of the most nastiest pair of stink eyes she has ever seen.

She acted like she didn't see that and gave a fake smile.

Even though she wishes to split there wigs, because she could. But that wouldn't be vary lawful.

They both stayed on the same side of the side walk as they were, and they weren't moving.

What, did they think she was going to move, cause she wasint.

Did they really think they were better just because they were cops. Ok maybe that was jumping the gun.
Anyways, she wasn't going to move out of the way. Her pride wouldn't let her.

As the officers got closer, they decided that they would be the ones to move.

Ok, maybe she was just being a bit silly. They moved, they didn't want trouble.

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