A new puppy

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Natasha really needed to have a serious talk with Christian.
Specifically on how he is manipulative with out even trying. Natasha won't lie to her self, she has used her good looks to get her things. But cuteness was way more dangerous then beauty.

Yesterday the three family members consisting of Christian, Natasha, and Sasomi, they were all talking. Christian was engaging with them in the conversation. Witch again surprised her.

But she looked over it for the time being and somehow the topic of pets came to be.

Natasha talked about her pass pets back when she lived in America.  Her parents were animal rescuers and housed a lot of different animals. Even having small buildings on their property to house them.

Very nice people in general her parents were.  Hopefully they would finally decide to move up here. They were planning on it, but then they kept postponing last minute.

Then the little mischievous angel asked if he could get a pet.
He ask if he could get a monkey, but that was immediately shot down. That was high maintenance, and he was just a kid. A intelligent kid, but still a kid who could probably take care of it but it would most definitely become her problem.

She did want a dog, that wouldn't be so bad.
Also she did want a pet that would also be her problem. Just not in an "I will make it everybody's problem because it's a nuisance" way.

So here she was in a dog pound with an excited Christian who had incredibly frizzy hair.
It had to be a new aspect of his quirk. She really had to go over that quirk analysis the doctor wrote.

Both were at the front of the desk with the
the clerk stacking papers for Natasha to write. She had already talked about the necessary paperwork that she had to sign, and things you  would need in general.

"So Christian-Chan, would you like to go back and see what you like" the lady said as she opens a side door on the side of her desk.

"Yah" Christian exclaimed. His eyes brightened with excitement.

Christian waltz over to the side door and went into the puppy area.

The place wasn't that big, the only entrance to the animals was behind the counter.

Once Christian started to walk towards the dog area, the lady started to talk to Natasha.

Christian ventures to the dog section, with the floor being hard rock and the walls some other construction material.

He made to where they were held, big enclosures, looking to his right he spotted a small dog, brown straight fur, and big droopy ears. Looked adorable, but Christian wasn't feeling it.
He looked behind him, there being metal wire wall aswell, behind it was another dog.

Christian wasn't feeling it.

He felt bad, not feeling a connection.
It was thier energy. It didn't have a similar reading as his.

Cage, after cage, he felt nothing.
The dogs felt happy, he could tell through their energy.

Then, he stopped. The last cage at the end of the hall.

He walked to the end of the hallway, nearing the edge of the cage, he saw it.

Blue fur.
He was now standing in front of it. Behind the metal wire gate was a animal that did not look like a dog.

Actually, it didn't look like an animal he knew. It was banging its head on the bricks inside the cage. It was actually pushing it outwards. That animal was strong.

"Hello?" Christian directed to the animal.

The animal turned its head, show casing the rest of its face. Big void like eyes that were bigger then they should of, big ears with points at the end, and claws adorning his hands.

"Hi" Christian chirped.

"H-hi" the weird animal said while opening and closing its hand or paw, whiles it's arm was extended.

Christian was bewildered, and awestruck. Last time he checked, dogs couldn't talk. This one just did.

So maybe it wasint a dog, it had to be some mutated animal.

Or maybe a dog with a quirk.

Christian had found the perfect companion.

"Yah, all are dogs are adoptable" the receptionists said, answering Natasha.

Christian and the blue looking animal came around the counter and two pairs of eyes landed on the thing.

"Except that one!"the lady blurted.

The lady quickly dash over to the dog and picked it up, and Natasha ran over to yank Christian away from the blue thing.

"What is that-thing?" Natasha asked, carry a little disgust in her voice"

"A dog, we think.
It was dead this morning" the receptionist declared.

"HUH!" Yelled Natasha.
The loud noise caused Christian to stop starring at the animal. The blue thing was just so.... Interesting. He and Izuku would have to write some notes.

"It was hit by a truck" the lady pleaded.

"Listen honey" Natasha said while looking down to Little Christian, who was in her arms.
"Why don't we get a different...dog"  she said while contemplating in what the creature was.

"But he's special. I can feel it" Christian joyfully says.

"Come here boy"

Those words were ones neither the lady or Nat were expecting to here.

The animal started to trudge forward. The lady having a hard time holding him back.

Natasha was abit freighted so she started to back up against the wall.

The animal was able to to escape the grasp of the lady and kept moving towards Natasha.

The animal was close enough to be kicked so Natasha kicked her foot towards it and it was able to dodge it.

It then started to climb up her leg trying to get to Christian.

"Are you sure you want this dog?"Natasha asked again.

"Yes, I mean it." Christian answered

And with that, they eventually started getting the papers in check.

"So Christian, what do you want to name him?" Nat asked while waiting for a response.

Christian looked to his right where the dog was. He was really close to Christian already, physically at least. He never really thought of a name.

This... dog was most defentily special, so it deserved a special name.

"How about... Stitch"

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