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"Do you ever think about girls.."

- - * - -

Sunny looks at me sorta confused.

"I mean, sometimes.." he replies. I give a sad look, I hold back tears from falling. I sniffle a bit. "B-basil..? Is something wrong? You've been acting weird lately." Sunny mentions.

"It's just... nothing, it's nothing... I'm emotional for no reason.." I reply, crying. "Do you like a girl?" He asks. I stare at him.

"Sorta... but they aren't really... a girl..." I hold back tears, sunny will absolutely hate me. He already likes Aubrey, maybe even some other girl.

He stays silent. "I know you hate me now. I'm weird, I suck." I sob, the tears rolling down my face continually.

"Y-you don't.." sunny says to me, hugging me tight. "You sure...?" I sniffle, gripping onto the back of his shirt. My tears get his shirt wet. "I'm sure basil, your my best friend. I hope the best for you and that boy." Sunny says, encouraging me.

"T-thanks." I slightly smile. I feel the softness of Sunny's hair. "Your hair.. is so soft, sunny.." I brush my hands throughout his hair. "Hehe, yeah..." he pulls from the hug.

- - * - -

"I- I think I'll get home now.. see ya..." I say bye to sunny and sprint to my house.

I immediately run to my room and burst out crying. If sunny really likes another person, I'm hopeless. My memories will fade as he gets married, starts a family, gets old and blue. With a separate soul.

I reach under my bed to grab my diary. I open up to a blank page.

June 14th

I guess I'm left behind, sunny is clearly not interested in me. And no, I did not confess. That would be a horrible idea, he'd hate me. Im just glad he didnt hate me for mentioning that I like boys!

Although, sunny made me... feel so alive, so free. I keep flustering up around him, he might catch on soon. And I'll loose him... but on the bright side, sunny doesn't get hints that often and probably won't notice.

He did look pretty cute today. His hair was so soft, so refreshing, his hug... so warm.. I wish I could just hold his hand, or maybe even kiss him... I wonder what that would be like, warm.

I like being warm, especially when sunny is also warm. But If we were both warm,  Just at least one kiss, that would solve all my problems.

I just made myself fluster up. I imagined me and sunny kissing and fell backwards onto my bed.

I continue writing,

But actually, if we kissed... that would feel like heaven, like I'm actually alive, as if someone really cared about me. It's not that easy to have someone care so deeply about you that they want to spend some of their time in their day to kiss.

That's how I feel about sunny, I care about him so much, I'd spend all my life with him doing the same stuff over and over again and not think it is a waste. He is my one and only, sunshine. The most amazing person to exist.

I close my diary and slip it onto my nightstand. I click off the lights and roll over.

My sunshine. My one and only sunshine.

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