Just between us.

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Sunny read through my entire diary. All my poetry, all my feelings, all my rants and all my anger.

I was asleep, and then I woke up. I'm not a very deep sleeper. But, sunny read all of it. He told me that he loved me. Which I'm sorta new to someone saying I love you. Those are such powerful words.

I love sunny. Those are powerful words. Very powerful words. All I want is sunny and me to live normally, with none of the bullshit that has happened over the years, none of the separation. None of the deaths. Just us against the world.

Two very best friends, to say the least. At least, that's what sunny probably thinks of me. I think of sunny as someone is enjoy the rest of my life with, as if he was the top of all people.

It might sound a little obsessive, but... he's just perfect, I bet anyone would love to be his partner. Or that's what I think. I knew Kel liked sunny for a bit, until I accidentally ranted about sunny and he sorta stopped.

All I can think of is; why would sunny love me? I'm his childhood best friend. In most peoples eyes, they'll forget about their childhood friends in years to come. But sunny, sunny... will be forever engraved in me.

I'd write this in my diary, but at the moment, im hugging sunny. He's so warm... so soft... I could just fall asleep on him. But, I shouldn't be worrying about that right now. I should be paying attention to the things sunny is saying to me right now.

"Basil.." sunny softly says to me.

Oh, out of everything he could be saying something crazy.. he could.. say he likes someone else.

"You know how you mentioned..." sunny stops himself. I hope he says what I think he's going to say.

"That.. poem.." he adds.

It was not what I was thinking about!

"Y-yeah? I didn't really care for it.." I laugh embarrassed. "Oh... well I liked it... what was it again?" He asks. My face turns red.

"O-Oh..it was..." I stutter, trying to remember the poem.

"I was surprised to see heaven in your eyes, I never once was treated right you were what's missing in my life.. as bright as the sun, give me your Vitamin D, let's run into another dimension, you make me feel like I'm on drugs.." I slowly say.

(Credits to: Light shower By: Melanie Martinez)

"I liked that... it's really good.." he muttered behind me. "Thank you, sunny..." I smiled. "Oh I also wanted to ask you about another thing..." he asks.

Oh no... it's it again... I think it's that...

"You know you mentioned.... Uh..." he sounds like he has a lump in his throat.

"Kissing..." he slowly says. My face flusters up. He lets go from the hug. "Basil, are you ok?" He asks. My eyes are covering my face.

Oh sunny, it's not that easy... I can't just bring up... kissing... with you even if I wrote it down, it takes a while... a lot of words are strong. But, kissing...

"If you like to, we can..." he stops. "Kiss... as long as you want to, and keep it just between us. No telling anyone else." Sunny looks me dead in the eyes. I look at him wide eyed.

I stay silent for a second, until I feel the courage to speak. I'm speechless. The one person is love to kiss, yes sunny. Yes I'd like to kiss..

"S-s-sure..." I mutter.

One more hand to hold [ Sunflower / Sunny x Basil ] Where stories live. Discover now