Flower bed

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As I read each page, all the beautiful writing in pen. The amazing stuff he wrote, so delicately. His handwriting has gotten better over the years, my hand writing sucks.

But then I notice. One of the pages is written in really shaky hand writing, I look to the side and see basil slightly waking up. I quickly try to find something to make it look like I wasn't doing anything, until I realize that I'm paralyzed.

I try to move, but out of surprise, I stay still. I try to find the courage to make some words come out of my mouth but it's only basil.

"H-huh... sunny..?" He slowly awakens. "B-basil! I-I-..." I slowly speak to him.

"Sunny?! WHY ARE YOU READING MY DIARY!" He yells. "I- I - I can explain!" I yell. Basil sprints up from his bed and snatches the diary. I watch as tear stream down his face, I look at him frightened.

"Please don't be mad at me!" We say at the same time. I don't want basil to be mad at me that I read through his diary, he'd totally hate me.

"I... I..." I slowly try to form a sentence. It's not that easy. "Why don't you just ditch me..." I hear him whisper through his sobs. "I don't deserve you...no... you don't deserve me... I'm horrible..." basil mutters. The tears stream down his cheeks.

"Just don't speak! I know you'll tell the truth!" He continues crying and sniffling. I want to say something to him, but he'll immediately shush me.

"B...b..ba...basil..." I slowly go towards him from the corner of the room. He looks at me frightened. "W-what?!" He shouts.

I run up to him and hug him. I grip the back of basils shirt. I feel his tears go down my back. "Basil... I don't hate you..." I slowly continue my words, I know exactly what I want to say to him, I just have to get the courage.

"I... I love you..." I say as he sniffles. He slowly pulls away from the hug.

"Y-you mean it...?" He wipes his tears. I nod to basil, he slowly inches his hands down to his bed.

"I... I really... really thought if you ever knew my feelings, you'd hate me." He says awkwardly. "I'd never hate you, basil." I pat him on the back.

One more hand to hold [ Sunflower / Sunny x Basil ] Where stories live. Discover now