Sleeping Poet

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(this chapter is SUNNY pov)

Basil had approached me today, he says he's busy but we are gonna have a sleepover at 6. I'm quite excited, I get to hang out with him.

Time flys by fast in my house, considering how long I sleep is crazier. But that isn't something to worry about right now.

- - * - -

5:45 rolled faster than I'd though, I walk down to basils house. Passing his entire garden. He works hard on his plants, it's great he had a hobby that keeps him going.

These flowers are beautiful, I believe basil said they are called "Sunflowers", they always face the sun.

The flowers were looking at me. It's 6pm, I don't know how the sun goes around but it's just a coincidence.

I knock on basils door loudly, I slowly back up and see basil opening the door. "Sunny!" He exclaims and hugs me. I pat his back and follow him inside. I wave to Polly. "Hi Sunny" she says to me.

I walk with him to his room. "So not much changed, I just made my bed and stuff..." Basil says awkwardly. I giggle a bit, and then I see basil fluster up. He's been doing that often, which is sorta... cute.. basil looks kinda cute when he's flustered.

I mean, I shouldn't think that about him. It's weird... we're just friends, right? Or do I think more of him...?

Is it something to think of?

It doesn't matter right now. I should just lay attention to what he's talking about rather than how cute he looks. Basil looks cute any day though... I'm not limiting him to only now...

I hear him rant on about how much he wants to put stars on his ceiling. He describes stars as "pretty" and "perfect". Hearing basil say those words just brings slight joy to me. Light he's actually showing emotion. Making himself even more unique.

- - * - -

Basil walks me outside to his garden, we lay down in an empty patch of grass, we watch the stars. Basil knows some about stars, he's fascinated about what's in the universe. He explains so descriptive to me of each and every star.

Basils voice is so calm, rather raspy, but so calming. I could fall asleep to his voice. He's just.. amazing. Cute, his voice is calming, he's so open about what he loves. It's amazing, I'd spend hours with him learning about the things he loves just to make him happy.

"Well, that one is Aquarius!" I hear him go on and on about astrology and astronomy, as he smiles happily. "Aquarius is my zodiac, and near that over here, is cancer, your zodiac." I keep smiling, even though on the inside, looking at him, he's so perfect.

- - * - -

We go back inside after about a few hours of watching the stars, basil is tired. "I think I'm gonna go to sleep, how about you?" He asks. "I'm gonna stay up for a little bit." I smile lightly.

I wait until basil is asleep, to look at the journal that he has. I don't like invading peoples privacy, but he has something in there that he didn't tell me about.

As I reach open to the first page, I read 'do not enter.' On the cover.

I slowly flip from page to page, reading ever poem or sentence about me. It's not bad, or depressing, it's... that basil has a crush on me.

June 13th
"Looked so cute.."

June 14th
"He did look pretty cute today. His hair was so soft, so refreshing, his hug... so warm.. I wish I could just hold his hand, or maybe even kiss him... I wonder what that would be like, warm.

I like being warm, especially when sunny is also warm. But If we were both warm,  Just at least one kiss, that would solve all my problems.

But actually, if we kissed... that would feel like heaven, like I'm actually alive, as if someone really cared about me. It's not that easy to have someone care so deeply about you that they want to spend some of their time in their day to kiss.

That's how I feel about sunny, I care about him so much, I'd spend all my life with him doing the same stuff over and over again and not think it is a waste. He is my one and only, sunshine. The most amazing person to exist."

I read through each and every single of the pages, blushing and wide eyed. I can't believe someone actually cared for me. Then I look on the next page, poetry. It's a short few lines basil wrote, directed towards me.

"I was surprised to see heaven in your eyes, I never once was treated right, your what I'm missing in my life, as bright as the sun, give me your vitamin D, let's run into another dimension. You make me feel like I'm on drugs <3"

I read through it and felt loved. Surprised too, I know I shouldn't invade basils privacy, but... I'm so glad I did.. he also mentioned kissing, what would happen if we did kiss... would it be too fast? Too early?

But all I want to know now, is, will basil not get mad at me for reading his diary?

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