Beneath The Clouds

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"We could ask the group if they want to get together." I ask him. "I don't know.." sunny replies, I sigh. "How about we go to Hobbez?" I ask. Sunny smiles. "Sure" he says.

"Ok, Well just a second. I have to get ready, why don't you go sit on the couch" I tell him. Sunny nods. I walk to my bedroom and change my clothes, I walk back out and greet sunny.

"Ok! Now we can go." I smile widely. We walk out of my house and onto the sidewalk. I look at the tree's and smile. "It's so pretty outside" I say delightfully, sunny nods at me as we reach the crosswalk. We cross the road and walk to the plaza.

I open the door to Hobbez and let sunny in before closing the door carefully behind me, making sure I don't disrupt anyone. He walks around the store for a bit, and then he stares at something. It looks like an action figure, I pat him on the shoulder.

"Do you want that? I can pay for it." I smile towards him. His face lights up, and then blush creeps up his neck, leaving him in a fluster. "It-It's okay..." he replies. "No, really, sunny." I assure him. "Okay." He gives in. I smile again. We approach the cashier and pay for the figure.

"Thanks, Basil." Sunny says to me, and as we exit he kisses me on the cheek. Like he was just a bit ago, I fluster. I put my hands over my eyes and peek through, seeing sunny smile. I fluster even more, causing him to giggle happily.

I look up at the clouds- It's quite cloudy, so tonight we won't be able to see the stars. "Oh yeah, you're gonna have to go home today-" I say out loud. "Oh, yeah." He answers in a monotone. "I mean, just see the best of it, we can still text each other." I pull out my flip phone, and I text sunny 'testing.' He widens his eyes, and smiles. "Yeah." He says. We reach the crosswalk and part ways, I kiss him and rush towards my house.

When I reach my house, I open the door wide and greet Polly. I walk towards my room and sit down on my bed, trying to process last night and everything that has happened since then.

I rest my eyes, but then resting my eyes turns into falling asleep, and now I'm sleep-sitting on my bed uncomfortably.

I awoke from the sound of a knock on my door. I rub my eyes a bit and open the door. It's Aubrey. "Oh hey, Aubrey." I yawn. "Tell me everything, I mean- about you and Sunny," she sits down on my bed. "O-oh, well, Um, we kissed." I say, barely stopping the fluster. "Omigosh." She says, jaw dropped. "Fuck it, I expected that to-be-honest." She scratches her idea.

"Really?" I say, the blush creeping up my neck. "Well, yeah." She smirks. I cover my face with my palms and soft-scream. "I can't believe I'm that obvious," I uncover my face. "It's okay, Basil. It's not your fault." She giggles. I giggle back. "Okay, that's good." I reply.

"But I did see you kiss him at the crosswalk. Actually, all my friends saw it too." She adds, with a nervous smile. "What!" I yell. She awkwardly giggles. "It's not that bad, they support y'all." Aubrey says. "Ok, okay, that's good." I exhale.

"But I do need some relationship advice..." I mutter. "Have you ever been in one before?" I ask Aubrey. "Oh, Basil. I've only had experience with Fellow females, and sunny would be a hard one to explain, anyways." She answers me.

Oh, I forgot Aubrey was bisexual with preferences to women...

I feel a lump in my throat. Who will I ask? I have no experience. "Who can I ask?" I ask her. "No one, I guess. You'll have to take it slow and figure it out yourself." She shrugs. "Oh, okay." I answer.

I guess I'll take it slow.

"Oh, by the way, here's my number," Aubrey pulls out her flip phone. "It's ***-***-*****" she enters it into my phone, "Thanks," I smile. "No problem." She says back to me.

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