Lover boy

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Waking up in the morning makes the night a blur, I have to look in my journal to remember what i wrote, but I'll remember it all later. It's just when I write right before I go to sleep, then I forget about it.

"Oh shoot, it's 2pm, I must've slept in." I brush my fingers through my hair. I hold my journal with two hands and set it back down. I look next to it. There's a note, written by Polly.

"Basil, sunny came over earlier today and asked me if you wanted to have a sleepover with him here, he said if you want to talk about it you can go to his house." - Polly

A sleepover??

That wouldn't be so bad, it's sunny... it's just... I'll immediately fall even more in love with him. He's just perfect. I guess I'll visit him today so we can discuss it.

- - * - -

I throw on my shoes and run out the door, I walk to Sunny's house and knock on his door. "Who- oh hey basil." Sunny says. I smile at him. "So about the sleepover, want to have a sleepover tomorrow night?" I ask him, nervously. "Sure." He says softly.

I walk away and back to my house. I open the door to see not Polly there, she's probably grocery shopping.

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I hear a knock on my door. I walk over there and open it. It's Kel and Aubrey. "Wanna hang out at the park?" Aubrey asks before her bubblegum pops, I nod happily and follow them.

By the time we got there, we sit down in the grass and they spark up a random conversation. That's great for them.

Sunny, I should probably confess to him, but we're both boys, people will think we're weird.. but I can't help it, sunny is amazing, perfect, anyone would want him as a boyfriend.

"You are the light I've been searching for forever."

"Basil?" I hear Kel say as Aubrey snaps her fingers in my face. "You zoned out." Aubrey says.

"O-oh. Yeah.." I look to the side. "What's on your mind?" Kel asks. "Oh nothing.." I reply. "That's bullshit, tell us." Aubrey says annoyed.

"Ah.. fine... I've been thinking about someone lately, but I think they'll think I'm weird cause we're both b-" "sunny?" They interrupt me.

"H-huh?! How did you know?" I ask, embarrassed. "Ok, to get this strai- I mean gay, basil, your a lover boy. I've noticed your affection towards sunny for a while now, it's noticeable. Your not slick, but that's not the point, you have to tell him, or else your gay thoughts will manifest and you'll be even more embarrassed around him." Aubrey says really fast.

"Huh- HUH?!" I shout. Aubrey called me gay, I mean, it's sorta obvious, but... I don't need her to point out the obvious, and cause she makes corny gay jokes.

"Yeah- Aubs is Right." Kel says nodding his head. "Call me Aubs again, and I'll rip your vocal cords out." She looks at Kel angrily.

"I- I- I can't tell him though! He'll hate me!" I say, panicking. "No he won't." Aubrey stares at me. "How do you know." Kel says. "Shit the fuck up Kel, this is the reason your always a fucking third wheel." She covers Kels mouth.

"Sunny is understanding, and honestly, I think he may like you back, but I don't really know." She says close up to my face. "I- I... ok..." I have faith in Aubrey, I have faith that sunny will like me.

- - * - -

I get home, Polly greets me and I smile at her. As every night, I open my journal and write down what happened today.

June 15th

I thought of the perfect line, well some perfect lines I can tell sunny. I probably will never tell him though, that would be horrible. They're too... how do I say this, Romantic.. or too misunderstood.

"I was surprised to see heaven in your eyes, I never once was treated right, your what I'm missing in my life, as bright as the sun, give me your vitamin D, let's run into another dimension. You make me feel like I'm on drugs <3"

(Credits: light shower by Melanie Martinez)

I really feel closer to sunny when I write this stuff. Just... I want to say all these things to him, but I never will. But tomorrow we are having a sleepover, so at least that'll be better.

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